Vol 4/ Chapter 7: Fight

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Our original plan was to go out for dinner together, but since Nicola hadn't come back yet, rather than just sitting around waiting for her, it would be better to make dinner ourselves. I could also let the newcomer Cyra try my cooking skills.

"Buy groceries? Tsk tsk, I didn't expect you to be so domestic..."

Upon hearing this, Cyra glanced up at me meaningfully.

"Get out! If I don't buy groceries, you'll only get an empty stomach! You think I want to cook?"

I angrily pushed open the door and went out. As I passed the bookstore downstairs, I saw the landlord waving at me enthusiastically.

"Going out again? Your friend earlier was quite...generous."

"Heh, yes she's very generous..."

I smiled drily in response. What else could I say? That Cyra, she should be more careful about the impression she makes.

Reading erotic books is one thing, but being so blatant about it - it really gives me a headache. I don't know if she's just shameless or simply doesn't care about face.

The process of buying groceries was no different than usual, just the vegetable sellers asking about my personal life. It had been a while since I came to the market after all...

"Oh, you're back already?"

When I got home and opened the door, I found that Nicola was already inside. It seemed she had become more moderate, not out partying as late as she used to.

"Where did you go?"

Nicola didn't look too happy though. Seeing me walk in, she asked in an unfriendly tone.

"Groceries! Didn't Cyra tell you? I thought you'd be back late, so I figured I'd just make dinner myself. That way we wouldn't have to keep waiting and being hungry for you to get back before going out to eat..."

I was rather puzzled. I held up the pile of fresh ingredients in my hand, was she blind or just acting oblivious?

Moreover, the atmosphere with Cyra also seemed off. The two of them had sour faces, like they just had a fight.

"Do you know? Cyra brought the landlord downstairs up to our room."

Nicola interrupted me and explained.

"Didn't you tell her before you left? Don't let irrelevant people into the room, especially men. Luckily I came back early..."

"Aren't you two the ones always calling yourselves men?"

Hearing this, I suddenly felt a little amused and turned to ask Cyra.

"Did the landlord really come up? What did you ask him here for?"

After all, it was a rented house, so the landlord coming up to take a look seemed fairly normal right?

"It's not like I asked him to come up!"

Upon hearing this, Cyra immediately argued defensively to clarify.

"Not long after you left, the boss downstairs came up to ask me how I liked the book I borrowed earlier. He was also planning to recommend some other books to me, but then Nicola came in and saw him. She was like a ball of fire, chasing the landlord out in a few words, then closed the door and started scolding me..."

"I did that for your own good! Don't forget your current situation!"

Hearing this, Nicola criticized in an unfriendly tone, very much like when she argued with me in the past.

"Situation? You just can't stand that I'm currently broke and can only live at your place, eating your food and using your things! Fine, I'll just leave then. With my angel identity, I'm not afraid of sleeping on the streets!"

Cyra also couldn't hold back her anger. It looked like the two of them were about to really fight. I quickly stepped in between them to smooth things over.

"Alright alright! We don't care about a little money for food and lodging. Nicola just lost some money gambling and is in a bad mood, nothing else right? You should apologize."

I surreptitiously nudged Nicola, hinting for her to say sorry.

She had become like this ever since becoming an angel, seeming to dislike any man she saw. We had fought over Adrian last time, and now she was quarreling with Cyra over the landlord too. Really unnecessary!

"What do you mean I lost money gambling?"

But Nicola was completely unwilling to take the fall for me. She changed the subject and started arguing with me instead.

"I already said I didn't gamble anymore! I just played a few rounds and came back quickly!"


I was at a loss for words. I was just trying to give Cyra a way to back down, afraid she might really leave and cause trouble. How could Nicola not get it...

I suddenly felt so tired, not knowing what to do next. These two were like children, finding any petty thing to fight over.

"Do what you want, I'm not getting involved anymore!"

Seeing my flustered state, Nicola didn't push it further either. Very displeased, she waved her hand and stubbornly refused to apologize.

"Hmph, it's because I just got here and am broke right? Fine, I'll show you what I can do to earn money tomorrow!"

Cyra wasn't one to take a loss either. Thankfully she didn't bring up leaving again, finally letting me relax a little.

There were still meals to prepare, suddenly busy again. Because of the earlier quarrel, the two of them tacitly chose to eat in silence, not commenting at all on the taste of my new dish. I suddenly felt a sense of loss.

The next morning, Nicola got up early and went out. According to her, it was of course to finalize the cooperation between Edenmere and Astralrealm as soon as possible.

Since King Galahad was attacked yesterday, in order to see things through, she still had to go to the royal castle today, even if she didn't like that king.

"I have some errands to run today too. Just wander around the city, you can go anywhere you like. But don't reveal your wings and angel identity. And remember to come back early tonight,"

I instructed Cyra before leaving.

My first stop was naturally Adrian and Vivianne's house.

I should have gone yesterday, to at least let them know we were back. But angel bodies tire easily at night, so after dinner none of us felt like going out anymore. I was lazy and put it off until today.

Good thing too, this avoided any awkwardness between Nicola and Adrian, saving further troubles.

However, when I arrived at the familiar weapon shop, the shop owner called out to me first before I could even go upstairs.

"It's the young lady from before! The upstairs tenants left a message for you."


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Ethereal Ascendance: A Journey of Transformation(Vol 4)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant