Vol 4/ Chapter 62 Complicated Connections

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It was Vivianne who started it all!

Brennan did suggest going to steal phoenix eggs before, but his idea was rejected by Adrian and Vivianne at that time, and he never had a chance to carry out the plan later.

However, Vivianne was different. When the war between the Astralrealm Kingdom and monsters just broke out, she had left the capital city with her companions for a mission - teaming up with Yulanda and others to join the large-scale monster clearing operation in the Dona Mountain Range, near the Sulide Volcano where phoenixes nested yearly.

The original target was a nine-headed snake, a high-level monster that had recently appeared in the forest at the foot of Sulide Volcano. As it had destroyed a local village over a month ago, someone issued a high-paying mission to the Adventurers' Guild. Considering the small scale of the nearby Jethrobaines branch and lack of talents there, as well as the difficulty of the mission, the Adventurers' Guild had no choice but to release the same mission in the capital of the neighboring country Norvale as well.

The process went quite smoothly, although it took nearly a week to reach the destination. Despite the nine-headed snake being a formidable water elemental monster of the sixth rank, it was no match for the large team.

Reportedly, eight people were recruited for this operation to be on the safe side, forming a complete small squad! Unfortunately, with the fixed total reward, each person's share became less.

So shortly after completing the mission, Vivianne seized the chance to propose a new suggestion - going up the mountain to steal phoenix eggs.

It was the phoenix egg-laying season on Sulide Volcano these few months. Usually, a female phoenix could lay three to four phoenix eggs, which were extremely expensive in the market, at least 50,000 silvers each, mainly because of demon tamers like Brennan who craved for them!

If they could steal one or two eggs, even splitting the profit among eight people would be way more than the mission reward.

Vivianne's proposal immediately won most people's approval. However, problems followed one after another, for phoenix eggs were not that easy to steal...

Though both ranked at the sixth level like the nine-headed snake, there was a huge power gap within the sixth rank itself. The entry, middle and full sixth ranks were completely different concepts.

For this reason, phoenixes, being at the same sixth rank, were much stronger than the nine-headed snake, which was why locals called them divine beasts.

Plus, they could fly, so even with eight people cooperating, they might not be unharmed under a phoenix's attacks. After all, the highest rank in the team was just at the entry sixth rank, with only one person.

The only way was stealing, and whether they could succeed depended on their skills and prior arrangements.

"So why did Vivianne insist on taking the field herself? For stealing, shouldn't they let a thief or at least an archer do it instead of a lancer?"

I really couldn't understand. Just thinking about her job made me feel a headache. Wasn't she raising a huge red flag for herself?

"We had no choice. Although our team looked big in number, she was actually the most suitable one. Half of them were mages, and apart from the paladin and warrior for close protection, only Vivianne was the most agile."

Yulanda explained helplessly.

"Besides, it was her suggestion in the first place. So to boost morale and make everyone more confident, Vivianne volunteered to implement the plan herself, while the others would provide support from a distance. Of course, due to the high risk, the condition was that if they got multiple phoenix eggs in the end, she would take one for herself..."

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