Vol 4/ Chapter 67: The Confused Switch

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"I understand..."

Though the two guardian knights vaguely sensed something strange about the "Pope", they could never guess the truth behind it all. They simply gave Cyra a puzzled look before returning to the darkness.

Of course, I knew they didn't actually leave, but instead hid and lingered around us, continuing to secretly protect Cysper. I thought it wouldn't matter if they revealed themselves since the Pope didn't hide his identity anyway. But Cysper insisted on doing it this way, saying nicely that he didn't want the journey's excitement disrupted. So in the end, I could only let it be.

After all, for someone who hadn't traveled far for thousands of years, his obsession was quite strong.

Since the two had practiced impersonating each other before, there was no need to wait until switching back to return to the camp.

We had been gone for quite a while, so some preparations and simple food had already been made. Brennan and Yulanda were anxiously awaiting our return.

However, the appearance of a deer had them excited again. After all, ingredients of that level were quite rare and best dealt with quickly. Unfortunately, the three of us had no experience in that area, so we could only sit and watch them work.


Seeing this, Cysper unexpectedly sighed, looking somewhat disappointedly at the ignored rabbit he had hunted himself. Disappointed, he could only pick up the lute he had tossed aside and begin playing his "Castle in the Sky" again.

"Eh? Cyra, you can play the lute too?"

Unable to resist the pleasing music, Yulanda turned her head, surprised to see it was not the Pope playing.

"I think it sounds quite nice, the melody is beautiful. I've never heard this song before. Who would have thought angels could be so multi-talented!"

Brennan hastily shared his opinion too.

"You guys..."

Hearing this, Cysper suddenly remembered he was currently Cyra and couldn't help looking dumbfounded. But the redhead's comment clearly irked him too. They had never commented when he played before, but switch bodies and suddenly someone was kissing up.

"Well, angels do live very long, so learning an instrument probably isn't that big a deal."

Seeing this, Cyra hurriedly explained using Cysper's body.

"But didn't she say last month that she was a newborn angel from that incident?"

Brennan clearly didn't believe the "Pope's" words and immediately refuted them.

"...Cyra has a great musical talent, in Edenmere we all fondly call her the Angel of Music!"

I had no choice but to blatantly lie for them, not knowing if such lies would bring down lightning strikes upon me. Cyra was absolutely tone-deaf before; being tone-deaf doesn't mean no musical sense at all, but she definitely had no special musical talent.

"She's just too perfect!"

Yulanda gazed at the supposed "Cyra" and said. An angel, beautiful, and musically gifted! As a girl, she couldn't help but envy her. Little did she know it was just a body swap - even the original guy was miles away from her imagination.

This finally satisfied Brennan's doubts. But the commotion had killed Cysper's desire to keep playing. Cyra felt the same - after nearly exposing themselves, she didn't dare act carelessly either. The two could only sit stiffly, awaiting the meal.

"Let's discuss tomorrow's battle plan after eating! It looks like we'll reach our destination in half a day at most. First, we need to deal with that phoenix. Without getting rid of it, we can't enter the cave and those inside can't come out."

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