Vol 4/ Chapter 109: Returning

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Suddenly, we saw a figure appear in the middle of our group. This "person's" body outline was slightly transparent and kept flickering - it was Special Assistant No. 5.

I really didn't expect that in the end, there was no need to completely destroy Beluto. Merely making him surrender was enough. After all, this was actually a trial space. Adrian cleverly grasped this key point and directly asked the opponent if he surrendered, avoiding a lot of trouble.

"Cleared it? You mean we can go back now?" Judith immediately understood. Of course, they had all heard Adrian and me explain the truth about this world before the battle, and had even witnessed us summon Special Assistant No. 5 (which they could not summon like us), so they naturally recognized the extra figure that appeared.

"Congratulations on clearing! Returning soon..."
Special Assistant No. 5 bowed plainly towards Adrian and me. After a pause, it reported, "The No. 3 **** trial space will disconnect from the main world in three minutes due to ** damage. The Xuthus Plan ** ends. Wish you can defeat the true God of Light Beluto in the main world and save..."

Before it could finish speaking, it suddenly disappeared like the line was cut.

"What did she mean? What's this about a main world connection and the Xuthus Plan?" Vivianne asked in confusion after hearing the incomplete explanation.

"That's not important now, we need to consider..." I shook my head. Special Assistant No. 5's sudden disappearance made me feel uneasy. Although it looked like it was about to run out of "power", it shouldn't have just vanished before finishing speaking...It also didn't explain how we leave this trial space...

As soon as I finished speaking, our surroundings changed again!

This time, all of us ended up in a huge cave, with an enormous unknown machine standing in the center connected by pipelines extending to the surrounding cave walls.

"What is this place?" Ron wiped his brow, unable to bear the hot feeling washing over us, as if we were in a furnace.

"This is...the 'Blazing Cavern'?" Adrian looked around and quickly recognized the environment. Of course, he wasn't referring to the "Blazing Cavern" from the trial space, but the real "Blazing Cavern" in the main world that we had also entered during the trials, except it was empty with no huge machine back then.

So it seemed we had left the trial space and were now in the true main world?

I couldn't help feeling apprehensive that our goal had been achieved so quickly and silently, making it feel unreal. As for the machine, maybe it was the main body of Special Assistant No. 5?

However, we didn't have a chance to study and observe the situation here, as before everyone could fully understand what happened, we soon heard Vivianne cry out in alarm.


Bright red lava was slowly seeping in through the cave walls toward the interior, which explained the stifling heat.

This "Blazing Cavern" itself was located inside the Sulide Volcano, able to exist for millennia by continuously absorbing geothermal energy. But now it could no longer withstand the erosion of time and the internal volcanic pressure. And the lava was breaching from more than one area, so this cavern would likely be submerged very soon.

"Get out of here quick!" Mike yelled to us as he dashed first towards the only exit passage. We were familiar with this path, as we had passed through it in the trial space. Mike took the lead guiding us to move swiftly.

Along the way, I noticed a rather inconspicuous fork in the dim light – when entering from outside it was hard to see this path hidden in shadows, but leaving the opposite way made it obvious. Maybe it led to the labyrinth where Cysper and I almost got lost.

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