Vol 4/ Chapter 51: Another "Cyra"

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"What a coincidence!"

I gave Nicola a wry smile. To be honest, I was a bit swayed by what this girl said. But without her help, I didn't have much confidence in doing this alone.

"If you want to help, it's up to you..."

Considering the enchanted arrows on the phoenix in Makalan City were likely related to this girl's trapped companion, Nicola thought about it and didn't stop me. But she confirmed with the other party, "However, let me make it clear - we can't set off for at least three days! And we'll only escort you to Dona Mountain Range to check on your companion's situation along the way. After that, we'll keep heading south and won't return to this city, so you'll have to come back alone."

Since we should be able to meet the Pope tomorrow, the investigation hopefully wouldn't take too long if all went well, so three days should be enough time.

"Well, I've already waited this long. As long as it's not more than a week, it's fine!" The girl responded readily. Since she finally found an angel willing to help, she naturally didn't want to miss this chance.

Because Nicola didn't have enough credits to take this quest, I had to do it instead. Plus, I'm a high-rank adventurer, so I only need half the credit requirement for high-level quests. Although my credits were running low, I had just completed the quest to escort Selene, along with some small low-level quest rewards, so I barely had enough.

However, when I took the quest, the guild staff was stunned to see my angelic identity again, not knowing why there were so many angels appearing today. Fortunately, with Cyra as a precedent, he was slightly prepared mentally, so there wasn't too much of a commotion. This guy even took out a pen and paper to secretly ask me for an autograph...

It seems the residents of the holy capital really don't see angels very often. This was quite an interesting little episode...

"Let's regroup here in three days. We can discuss the details then!"

We agreed on the next meetup time. Since the quest issuer had some important matters to handle, she hurriedly parted ways and left the guild. We learned from her that her name is Yulanda Debra, coincidentally also an adventurer party from the Astralrealm Kingdom.

"How did your test go?" Nicola immediately asked Cyra, who had just finished her test and walked out.

"Fourth rank!"Cyra readily showed her ID card.

"Don't underestimate this place just because the facilities look shabby. The test proctor was quite formidable! Caught me off guard, I couldn't even cast most of my spells that required incantations..."

"Not bad at least, you reached the average level, only one rank lower than Nicola back then!"

I casually glanced at the card she handed over and felt a bit relieved. It's a good thing I thought to update my rank beforehand. Otherwise, if I showed a mere third rank, I'd probably be the weakest of the three and get mocked for sure.

"What about that girl earlier?"

Seeing only the two of us standing there, Cyra asked in puzzlement, "Did you guys also refuse her request?"

"What? Think she's not bad looking, caught your interest?" Nicola's expression soured, recalling how this guy had previously sold out his teammates.

Fortunately, Yulanda herself was also aware that she needed our help, so it wasn't appropriate to make too big of a fuss. So when talking to us, she deliberately chose a secluded corner with no one around, avoiding causing too much commotion. Otherwise, the few of us would probably become famous in this city.

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