Vol 4/ Chapter 110: Love affair

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"Feliciana? How did you get out of that labyrinth?"
Receiving reports from his subordinates, Cysper emerged from the tent to greet me, his face showing surprise. But his gaze was quickly drawn to behind me.
"And what's with your wings?"

"It's not convenient to explain here, let's find a place to discuss it slowly!"
I nodded, not in a hurry. In truth, I didn't really want to tell him about the experience in the trial space since we hadn't spent that long together with this guy who forcibly joined our team midway. Most importantly was his unclear relationship with Saint Angel.

From Cyra's account, Cysper did suddenly appear outside the cave entrance. But not completely outside - to be precise, it was near the lake we first entered. Only Brennan and Yulanda were guarding there at the time, so they were the only two who actually witnessed it.

But then again, if I didn't tell him, the two Star Glory knights Ron and Mike wouldn't hide it from their lord either. They started saluting as soon as they saw the Pope, since their identities were known, so it was better to just be upfront.

"...Of course, no problem!"
Cysper seemed stunned for a moment after hearing me, then nodded in realization. It seemed he had read some deeper meaning in my words, realizing there may have been some unmentionable experiences involved. He immediately led us towards the largest tent.

"Vivianne, Adrian!"
Along the way, Brennan and Yulanda also arrived after hearing the commotion. They excitedly rushed towards Adrian and the others behind me, peppering them with questions non-stop.

"Looks like those two lovebirds' affair has progressed quite fast these past few days!" Cyra, standing beside me, secretly winked and kept hinting.

"Huh? Isn't Brennan supposed to be with Vivianne?" I turned back in confusion, finding it hard to believe.

As everyone chatted animatedly, I noticed Vivianne talking and smiling with Yulanda but seeming rather distracted. After a moment's hesitation, she suddenly took out a large, oval, fiery red object.

If I wasn't mistaken, that was the cause of this whole incident - the phoenix egg! It looked quite big, needing both hands to hold.

"Brennan..." Vivianne opened her mouth softly. But it was too soft for him to hear. So mustering her courage, she went up to Brennan and, face flushed, held the phoenix egg right before his eyes.

"You wanted a phoenix, right? This way...your demon taming abilities can be enhanced!"

"Vivianne, what's this?" Brennan turned around in surprise from talking to Adrian, looking rather flustered by the unexpected gesture.

This was practically an outright confession! Although she didn't say those exact words, from what I knew, Vivianne had always harbored hidden feelings for Brennan that she never openly expressed. For her to make such a move must have taken immense internal struggle.

Maybe the life-and-death battles against Saint Angel and the God of Light in the trial space made her have a change of perspective.

"I..." Brennan hesitated, glancing back at Adrian beside him as if seeking help. But Adrian only gave him an encouraging nod, making him panic even more as his gaze unconsciously shifted to Yulanda behind Vivianne.

"Sorry, I've really been oblivious! Only when Adrian told me did I realize you actually..." After faltering for a long while, with everyone present including the surrounding Church followers starting to murmur, Brennan finally had to respond - but unexpectedly with an apology.

"But I'm still sorry, I can't accept it!"

"Why?" Vivianne's face fell, but maintaining her composure suggested she anticipated this might happen, only asking him desperately.

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