Vol 4/Chapter 84 - Compensation Under Judgment

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The sky burst with Adrian's call, and once again, I saw Adrian's anxious face as I lay on the ground.

"Why did you take so long to come..."
I couldn't help but complain, then immediately coughed up fresh blood. The dazzling light in front of my eyes made everything blurry, so I obediently closed my mouth and focused on using healing magic to treat my wounds.

Adrian paused for a moment upon hearing my words, but soon realized that I was not in mortal danger, and he heaved a sigh of relief, looking up at the sky.

Next up was the much-anticipated "Judgment of Light" segment. Of course, I knew that! If I didn't have this injury, I would have loved to try being a "prophet" as well.

"You two, come with me quickly!"
Seeing the light above getting brighter and brighter, Adrian quickly picked me up in a princess carry and said to Ron and Mike.

Hey, hey, hey! What's going on, this is a princess carry!
I felt a bit embarrassed, but since my abdominal injury had not yet fully healed, I couldn't move, so I turned my head and pretended not to know anything, feeling my face getting a bit hot.

Although I was severely injured this time as well, at least the outcome was slightly different. Mike's life was saved, but the price was losing Vivianne's trail.
I hope she can survive safely under the "Judgment of Light"...

On the way, Ron kept asking about various situations, and Adrian casually responded to him. Finally, we arrived at the familiar building.

I was carried into the house, but I didn't see anyone coming down the stairs.

"Judith, is the preparation work done?"
Seeing the white light outside getting brighter and brighter, Adrian called out to the upper floor.

"It's almost ready! You've only been gone for a while, how come you're back so soon?"
Judith's voice came from the second floor.

"The situation has changed, the 'Judgment of Light' is slightly ahead of schedule!"
Adrian answered while walking into the inner room and gently placing me on the bed.

Indeed! Thinking back, this time we directly confronted the four-winged angels, while last time, before facing the four-winged apostles, we had experienced Mike being hit by the beam of light and checking on his injury, and so on, which caused the four-winged apostles' death time to be slightly advanced.

So is the activation time of the "Judgment of Light" judged based on the death of the four-winged angels? If that four-winged apostle hadn't died, does that mean the "Judgment of Light" wouldn't have occurred? I suddenly understood.

"Ahead of schedule? Can the prophecy scenario also undergo changes?"
Judith's voice sounded clearly surprised. Accompanied by the sound of footsteps, she was coming down the stairs.

"It's done! The brightness has indeed increased a lot, looks like you were right again."

"What does this 'Judgment of Light' mean?"
In the other room, Ron couldn't help but ask curiously.

"Strange, I feel like the aura of light elements in the air is still rising rapidly, even though it's already far too much..."

"And who are you?"
This was Mike's deep and steady voice, followed by introductions among the few of them.

"You heal yourself first, I'll go outside and help!"
Adrian instructed me, then left the room.

In fact, my injury has almost healed after some treatment. But I also know that he is eager to go and coordinate the covering of the windows, so I didn't stop him.

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