Vol 4/ Chapter 28 - The "Curse" of the Prophet

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"Let's set off then!"

Nicola didn't say much more, simply instructing the coachman to move forward.

"Here I come, Holy City!" As the carriage began to move, Cyra also excitedly shrieked.

"Keep it down, is that necessary?"

I rubbed my ears, feeling a headache coming on from her voice.

"I've never ridden in a carriage before, of course I have to enjoy the novelty!"

Like a child, Cyra stuck her head and hands out the window, ceaselessly surveying the scenery along the way.

"This is my first time riding in a carriage too. I've been on planes, ships, sports cars and limos, just never a carriage. It's not bad to experience it occasionally..."

Nicola also had a smile on her face. She had readily agreed when Cyra first suggested renting a carriage.

It was quite ironic - we had wanted to use the fastest transportation to get to the Holy City in the shortest time, but ended up choosing the slowest option with a carriage.

While not as lengthy as an airship, the entire journey would still take two to three days at the carriage's speed. Annoying!

"It's not bad, just a bit boring and cramped!"

When it was noon, we would naturally stop and rest for a while. Cyra stretched and got off the carriage.

"You chose this carriage yourself! And you're already complaining of boredom after such a short time?"

I said irritably, also getting off the carriage for some fresh air.

The inside of the carriage was actually much more spacious than a normal one, thanks to some "modifications".

Though it was a carriage, the horses in this world were slightly different from Earth's, seeming more excellent in speed and stamina. Magic had also been used to achieve a shock-absorbing effect. In terms of experience, it was close to a small sedan.

But no matter how lovely the scenery, one would eventually tire of it. As for passing the time - naturally it was the forever unchanged playing cards!

"Don't worry, we survived that time in Edenmere when sleeping was prohibited, didn't we? Besides, if it really becomes unbearable, we can just fly directly there!"

Cyra nonchalantly answered. She had already thought of a solution.

"Alright, I just hope you guys don't change your minds at night..."

I couldn't help but glance at Carl, the coachman beside us. He looked rather old, a middle-aged man, and I wondered if he had heard our conversation.

As a coachman hired by the association, his job was just to take us to our destination, nothing else. As for abandoning the carriage midway, that would likely affect his earnings paid daily, though who knew if he would complain.

"Carl, how much distance have we covered? Will we pass any other cities along the way?"

Just then, Nicola also got off the carriage and went straight to ask him. Currently we were surrounded by wilderness, without another soul in sight, and had no idea how far we'd come.

"We're taking the main road, so we'll definitely pass cities. Based on the plan, we should keep heading north, then turn east in the afternoon. If all goes smoothly, we should reach Makalan City by evening."

Carl didn't know we were angels, but answered respectfully out of professionalism.

"There are several more cities ahead, big and small, mainly in the Cresthaven Papal Dominion area..."

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