Vol 4/ Chapter 23 - Connection

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After the incident, I had originally planned to go straight back to the church. But Cyra strongly insisted that I take her to visit the nearby marketplace first.

Looking around, it seemed no one was following us. We had successfully shaken off the crowd from the town square earlier. I had no choice but to agree to her request.

The main reason was that I hadn't eaten anything the whole day yesterday. Seeing the street food stalls made me hungry...

It was almost noon now. After wandering the street with Cyra for a while, we found a secluded restaurant and sat down.

"Take me to that game room later if you have time..."

While looking at the menu and ordering food, Cyra suddenly told me.

"Be careful not to lose all your money there!"

I deliberately tried to scare her. Nicola had spent a lot of time in the game room, but I hadn't seen her lose much money either. On the whole, she neither made nor lost money, just a waste of time.

"What's there to be afraid of? I'm rich now after making so much money! How can I not splurge a little?"

Cyra confidently answered, completely disregarding my warning. She spoke while handing the order slip back to the server.

"Mind if I join you guys?"

Just as the server left, an attractive young girl briskly walked in from outside and plopped down next to us.

"Why are you..."

Caught off guard, Cyra and I were both stunned for a moment, unsure who she was.

Although it was lunch time, the restaurant still had quite a few empty seats since it was in a remote location. Was she targeting Cyra?

After all, many people in the town square had seen Cyra's angel form. Maybe this girl was one of them.

"You're the famous Feliciana, right?"

Unexpectedly, instead of talking to Cyra, the girl turned to me and started chatting.

"You are..."

I was confused. Only people in Edemmere would think I was famous. Sensing her body, I realized...

"You're an angel too?"

If I guessed right, she had hidden wings just like us!

"Did you come all the way from Edemmere to find us?"

Cyra quickly caught on and lowered her voice to ask.

"Is there some important news you need to tell us?"

"You got it wrong! I'm Kina, I didn't come here specifically looking for you..."

The girl smiled and clarified, then briefly explained why she was here.

"I happened to pass by Norvale while on a mission. I saw everything that happened in the square. From the conversation and subsequent investigation, you must be that rapist's victim, right?"

Saying so, she turned solemnly to Cyra for confirmation.


Taken aback, Cyra could only nod reluctantly.

"Then your name must be Cyra, right?"

But the girl didn't hurry to respond, pressing on with her questions instead.

"That's right!"

Cyra was even more confused, unsure what Kina was getting at. She cautiously asked:

"But what does it matter?"

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