Vol 4/ Chapter 114: Confession

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"Feliciana, I have some obligation I must fulfill, but before that I want to let you know....."

After a long pause, Adrian, standing far away, suddenly shouted at me as if he had finally made up his mind.

"I love you!"


I thought I must have misheard, my mind went completely blank. I never expected him to suddenly bring this up - I was totally blindsided.

"Hey hey hey, no way! You can't do that, it's a misunderstanding!"

I waved my hands frantically, trying to clarify, but Adrian had already turned and run off after shouting that out, probably without even hearing me. But what's worse, there was actually someone else walking over from behind me, who had clearly witnessed that whole scene.

"Ron, that was all just Adrian's misunderstanding, don't read too much into it."

Okay, now I felt like dying. That person was none other than Ron from the Star Glory Knights of the True Church.

"Read too much into what? Good morning Lady Feliciana!"

However, his attitude seemed a bit strange, as if his attention wasn't really on me. When I greeted him, it was like he had just snapped out of it, giving me a respectful bow before hurrying past me and leaving the scene.


What was he up to? When I woke up today, why did it feel like everyone's attitude was so weird? I looked in the direction Ron had come from and saw that at some point, a plate of breakfast had appeared at the entrance of a certain tent, along with a bouquet of fresh flowers beside it.

Wasn't that Vivianne's tent? Did Ron specially send those over? It seemed I caught a whiff of something unusual. I turned back to glance at Ron's retreating figure and suddenly felt confused - my brain couldn't process all this.

I can't even deal with my own issues, where would I find the energy to care about other people's business!

"Heh heh heh, I heard everything you said just now!"

Just as I returned to my own tent, I heard a mocking laughter coming from behind me.

"So what!" I snapped back irritably. This girl is always eavesdropping on gossip, and her tent is right next to mine so I couldn't hope to hide anything from her.

"Just go back to sleep. Or if you can't sleep, hurry up and pack - we're setting off soon!"

"Yeah right, like I could sleep through such juicy drama!"

Cyra stretched lazily as she came through the entrance, an amused look still on her face.

"Since things have escalated this far, you've got to explain to me - what exactly is this 'misunderstanding' you were talking about?"

"Isn't it obvious? You know very well I could never like a man!"

I rolled my eyes at her and kept packing my things. The business at Sulide Volcano was settled, and we'd be heading down the mountain soon. Of course, Cyra and I wouldn't be returning to the Holy Capital - we'd part ways with the True Church and continue south towards Crescent City.

"Are you sure? To me, it seems like you have quite the crush on Adrian!"

Cyra persisted, making it sound like there was something unusual about my relationship with Adrian. Well...okay, maybe it was a little unusual! She must have secretly seen the whole scene of Adrian coming to bid me farewell.

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