Vol 4/Chapter 57: Cultivating Magic

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I thought there wouldn't be anything more about Cysper after he left, at least for a little while. But who knew, we received an invitation letter right after noon.

"For a special celebration ball welcoming us..."

Cyra looked over the envelope holding the invitation, examining it over and over again.

"It actually says I'm the main invited guest?"

"It's probably because of that introduction letter we submitted yesterday. After all, it only mentioned your name," I said after thinking it over. The Pope's move seemed to be a response to Cyra's request for an audience, but his real aim was to invite the three of us angels.

"This isn't a trap is it? That guy trying to catch all three of us at once?" Cyra guessed with ill intentions.

"Then why didn't you say that when you contacted Elara earlier?" I couldn't help giving her a sideways glance. When Elara inquired, this girl kept insisting Cysper posed no threat, that he was just misunderstood by Edenmere. It felt like she had one foot in the church's camp already. Though Nicola and I held similar views, we tended to be more conservative in our judgments.

Unfortunately, the northern frontlines were heating up again with frequent demonic activity. Edenmere couldn't spare any more effort to further engage the Pope for now. So it fell on just the three of us here to hold the line.

"No, it's not that. I just don't really want to attend. An occasion like this will probably..."

Since it was her own introduction letter, she couldn't really refuse to go. Seeing Nicola's and my questioning looks, Cyra's expression suddenly became awkward. She waved her hand dismissively, no longer continuing.

"Ah whatever! You guys wouldn't understand anyway, you'll see when we get there!"


It was still the afternoon when we arrived at the Pope's palace. Thinking to take the chance for some sightseeing, we arrived early for the appointed time.

"Ah! I feel like I've been here before!" Cyra pointed down a hallway in front of us. What she meant by "been here before" was naturally referring to when she body-swapped with Cysper and came here "sleepwalking."

"The Pope has already instructed that there is no need for any secrecy towards the angel ladies. Where we are now is the religious library that also doubles as a magical research institute. You can find almost all of the continent's magical texts here, as well as some pioneering magical research..."

Following the "tour guide", we visited the various facilities and buildings of the papal grounds, complete with "professional" explanations of course.

"Magical texts? Are there any about water magic?"

Something clicked in my mind, suddenly reminded of a topic nearly forgotten. Elara had once suggested I study water magic, but I could never find the corresponding materials in Edenmere. After leaving, with so many things happening one after another, I naturally didn't have the mind for it anymore.

"Of course there are!" The guide responded with absolute certainty.

"Water magic is the magic discipline our True Church values most after light magic. It possesses life-saving and healing powers - truly a gospel blessing bestowed upon us by the Lord. He teaches us..."

More praising words followed, but I had no patience to keep listening to her ramble on. I marched straight into the library.

"Feliciana, since you like it here, go ahead and take your time researching. Cyra and I will go check out somewhere else."

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