Vol 4/ Chapter 30 - Stupor Tea

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"There's actually tea and snacks? They even have 24-hour service in this strange situation, how thoughtful!"

Because of the innkeeper's earlier bell ringing, I was mentally prepared. So I hurriedly went over and opened the door.

"Hello you two, this is our inn's special tea and snacks..."

A girl with her head lowered came in carrying a tray, placed it on the table, then turned around and left.

"Don't you feel like that server seems a bit familiar?"

Maybe because she kept her head lowered, I had a nagging feeling of familiarity. Her voice and figure both seemed familiar, like I had seen her somewhere before. But I couldn't remember where. So I asked Nicola, "What do you think?"

"Impossible! You're imagining things! We don't know that server at all. And in a small place like this, why would we know anyone?"

Since Nicola was sitting, her view was much lower than mine. She should have clearly seen the girl's face, but still shook her head indicating she didn't recognize her.

"I see...then maybe I'm just being overly sensitive."

I stared at the doorway, shook my head vigorously, but still felt like I was missing something important.

"Is this red tea?"

Nicola poured a cup, sniffed it first, took a small sip, then drank it all down.

"It tastes a bit different from Earth's, but still pretty good! Want to try some?"

"We left Cyra alone outside the city. What if she wakes up tomorrow morning and can't find us?"

I was too worried to eat or drink now. Although we had checked into the inn smoothly, I felt uneasy ever since that server came in. Aside from the fire prophecy, the only issue was Cyra outside the city.

"She's not a kid, she can handle a small situation like this. Worst case we can go out and get her at dawn, the carriage couldn't have gone far."

Nicola yawned, looking exhausted as she climbed into bed and lay down comfortably.

"Get some rest, it's late after all that!"

"Hey, did you forget about the fire? Don't sleep so deeply!"

But she completely ignored me, settling down facing the wall and soon falling asleep.

I could only sigh and shake my head.

Her carefree attitude was getting worse, relying on her status and not considering others' feelings.

"I should go back and sleep near Cyra..."

After hesitating there for a while, I decided to leave the city. It didn't feel right leaving Cyra outside alone. As for Nicola, like she said, with guarantee of the future Nicola, she should be fine.

"Watch yourself, don't let your butt catch fire while you're sleeping!"


In response to my parting words, Nicola mumbled softly before falling silent.

"You're such a pig!"

Venting my frustration, I really wanted to sleep too, but had to stay awake a bit longer for Cyra's safety...

I opened the door to leave, but then realized the innkeeper waiting at the entrance would find it odd if I went out so late. So I re-locked the door and jumped out the window instead.

Outside the window was the inn's backyard, a large pitch black courtyard barely visible in the dim starlight.


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