Vol 4/Chapter 45: What a Scam!

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The holy city of Jethrobaines was a very large city, said to have been built by the Pope of the True Church himself. Compared to Norvale in the Astralrealm Kingdom, the scale of the city was much grander and its history much longer.

The three of us flew non-stop, finally reaching our destination in the evening. We only rested twice along the way, mainly because of Cyra's low rank and lack of stamina.

"The name of this inn seems so familiar..."

After entering the city, the first thing to do was of course to find a place to stay. Before long, Cyra set her eyes on this hotel in a bustling area. It looked quite luxurious, yet exuded a touch of rustic charm.

"Old Arcania Hot Spring Hotel, drawing natural hot spring water from Dona Mountain Range, designated by His Holiness the Pope during his inspection tour, a necessary bridge to communicate with the Lord..."

"What a scam! Jethrobaines is clearly located on a plain, where do they get mountain hot springs from?"

I pointed to the large billboard at the entrance, raising a serious question, and pulled Nicola to leave.

"Wait, let's go in and have a look first. We're not short of money anyway! Maybe the hot spring water is transported from the mountains? After all, there are convenient tools like storage rings!"

Seeing this, Cyra hurriedly pulled us back, saying with a hopeful look on her face.

"Besides, it's said that this place is related to the Pope, isn't that the purpose of our trip?"

Actually, we all knew that what she valued most was the last line of text.

"But the Pope is not on an inspection tour now, how much use can a place he once named and stayed at be for our investigation?"

Nicola still shook her head, not buying it at all. Of course, the main reason was that the decor here looked too luxurious, and the price would definitely not be cheap.

However, after Cyra played the "trump card" of providing accommodation fees, she shamefully agreed in the end.

"Anyway, if we're not comfortable staying here, we can always change tomorrow..."

Faced with my contemptuous gaze, Nicola could only explain with embarrassment. A cent can stump a hero! The amount of savings she had at her disposal was not much anymore. Recently, she had been freeloading off my meals and accommodation fees. Who told her to miss the opportunity to make a fortune selling holy water?

However, I expressed that I didn't mind. After all, Nicola had helped me a lot when we were in Earth. Although I had once offered to split half of the holy water profits with her, she insisted on refusing and only borrowed ten thousand silver, promising to pay it back.

This was probably the last bit of pride of a wealthy young master...

"Welcome, our hotel has a long history of four thousand years and is the top thousand-year-old establishment in the holy city of Jethrobaines! Everything you see now can be called cultural relics. We believe you can spend a wonderful time here!"

As expected of an old brand, the receptionist showed a very professional smile as soon as we entered, guiding us into the lobby to check in while introducing the history of this place.

"Do you think this inn will suddenly collapse?"

Cyra stared at the ceiling and asked with some concern. After all, with such a long history, it was really a bit worrying. But looking at the surrounding decor, it must have undergone countless renovations and maintenance, so it should be fine.

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