Vol 4/ Chapter 59 - Shaken Faith

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"Too many fussy rituals, all show but no substance. Really a pain!"

I couldn't help but complain, though of course I understood that the formalities had already been greatly simplified. After all, the True Church was very clear about the angel's usual approach, let alone for an honored guest like us - they certainly couldn't make things too difficult.

"Can't be helped, that's just how the whole continent rolls. Our church is already one of the better ones..."

My companion shrugged in explanation.

Having someone to chat with was good, could help pass the time. Everyone present had been waiting quite a while when finally the last two main characters made their "fashionably late" appearance - Nicola and Cyra.

Since the name Cyra was very special to the True Church, Cysper gave a special clarification when introducing her. The subsequent proceedings were more or less identical. Before long, these two ladies were seated beside me.

"Looking quite pretty with the make-up on, eh? Makes all the difference!"

I glanced at their faces and couldn't resist a teasing remark. Usually these two were quite plain, though their beauty was somewhat obscured. But once properly made up, their looks leveled up considerably. As angels, compared to those idols on Earth, they were levels above!

"Feliciana you sly thing, sneaking off early! No wonder we were arguing until we realized one was missing!"

Cyra grumpily grabbed a chicken leg from the table and started gnawing on it, making Nicola and I shake our heads. What a pity! Truly a case of a brilliant exterior hiding an unpolished interior...

According to banquet customs, the dance was held concurrently with the dining. Having likely realized we were inept at etiquette, Cysper didn't give us a hard time. After a short speech, he announced that everyone could move about freely.

The melodious music started up, and many Jethrobaines officials and church elders holding wine glasses soon came swarming over to us. Clearly, as the stars of this banquet, we three angels were their priority targets.

"Miss Cyra, may I have this dance if you don't mind?"

Cysper came over and, as the Pope, couldn't just do nothing on such an occasion. So he approached Cyra first with an outstretched hand.

"I...I don't know how..." Cyra stammered in response. She wanted to refuse but then caught sight of that face identical to her former self, and suddenly didn't find it so off-putting. Come to think of it, they had even swapped bodies before, so what's one little dance?

From another perspective, had he invited me or Nicola instead, that would have been totally unacceptable. But as the banquet host, if the Pope couldn't even get one angel to dance with him, where would his face be? So the best solution was to invite her.

"No problem, I can teach you slowly!"

Seeming to sense Cyra's thoughts, Cysper took the initiative to grasp her hand and lead her to the center of the hall, immediately met with thunderous applause around them.

Seeing this, the live band swiftly changed tunes, starting up a new melody from the top.

"This True Church is quite secular eh? Putting on airs like royalty. I heard in medieval times on Earth, the True Church was very solemn, even dancing was seen as too open and unacceptable."

Nicola casually grabbed an apple from the table and took a bite. Thanks to Cyra, etiquette required everyone to "observe" when the main guest was dancing. Our pressure was suddenly relieved and we could finally do some "real business".

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