Vol 4/ Chapter 78: Senior Researcher of the Sage Council

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Elara had mentioned that Beluto had a powerful attack that could expand into a world-encompassing beam of light. Unless hiding in buildings or underground, humans wouldn't be able to survive it.

However, for me, this attack was merely an inconvenient glare besides being overwhelmingly bright.

But how did Adrian know this would happen?


The brilliant light lasted at least several minutes before gradually dissipating. Watching the illumination on the curtains slowly fade, Adrian finally exhaled in relief, plopping down on the floor.

"I call this the 'Light Judgment'. Direct exposure is life-threatening, but there shouldn't be any major danger for a while after this. Everyone can rest first!"

"What was that just now?"

Ron still hadn't recovered from the shock - he had certainly never witnessed such a large-scale eruption of light elements. Vivianne, unable to sense light elements, didn't react as strongly and just looked utterly bewildered.

Yet for a moment, no one spoke.

Having some idea of the situation, I had many questions, but couldn't even begin to answer Ron's. Once my vision finally recovered, I couldn't help but voice the first inquiry.

"Who is she?"

I pointed at the bespectacled middle-aged woman.

"She's from the Sage Council. Before Vivianne, she mistakenly entered that cave too, apparently some high-ranking researcher..."

Seeing this crazy woman discard the bedsheet, craning her neck outside with keen interest yet not daring to go out immediately, Adrian had no choice but to respond.

"A high-ranking Sage Council researcher?"

I couldn't help feeling excited - wasn't this our destination after leaving Edenmere for the Sage Council? Never expected to encounter an Council member here. Truly a case of inadvertently stumbling upon the solution.

"What was your research field...?"

If it involved souls, even better. She might be able to explain what happened to me.

"Ahem...let me introduce myself first!"

Seeing everyone's gaze focused on her, the middle-aged woman finally looked back inwards. With a serious expression, she began speaking formally.

"My name is Judith, from the magic research institute under the Crescent City Alliance. As for my research area, of course it's the most important, most fundamental elemental theory!"

"Elemental theory? What's that?"

I couldn't help feeling a little disappointed upon hearing this. The so-called elemental theory probably couldn't help much in understanding my soul. But there was nothing to be done - the present priority was figuring out how to escape this place, not dwelling on such matters.

"Elements are the basis of all things! Our world is made up entirely of elements! So if we can deeply understand elements, it's very meaningful for unraveling the mysteries of the universe and our own origins!"

Broaching her specialty, Judith immediately began speaking at length, magically summoning a cup from the table.

"Take this cup for example. Although it appears ceramic on the surface, you might assume from common sense that its elemental composition is earth. But in fact, ceramic is a mixture of multiple elements - the six elements of fire, water, earth, wind, light and darkness all contribute! The only difference from other substances is a slightly higher earth element content with relatively less of the other elements."

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