Vol 4/ Chapter 72: The Legendary Ghost Walls

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"No problem!"

Of course Cysper would not refuse. Although the discovery after the wind boosted his confidence, the situation was still not optimistic enough for him to act alone, so he naturally would not oppose me joining him.

And so the third exploration was decided on the spot!

Brennan and Yulanda remained guarding the cave entrance, with everything the same as before except for the safety rope. Cysper and I once again entered the mysterious cave full of the unknown.

Although this was a night operation, it made no difference inside the cave where there was no distinction between day and night. Any difficulties could be solved by a glowing magic light ball, or two if needed!

"If this was man-made, who built it?"

Along the way, I asked Cysper idly. The path before the fork was quite long, with almost identical scenery in the tunnels. To dispel the tension, I had to find some topics to chat about.

"Not sure, I've never heard of such a place..."

Although this place was near the border of the Cresthaven Papal Dominion and the Astralrealm Kingdom, it was still within the True Church's sphere of influence. Yet it had existed for thousands of years undetected right under his nose - very unusual.

"So even the Pope who's lived thousands of years isn't all-knowing, and even lost two Star Glory knights!"

I couldn't help teasing him.

"If this gets out, it'll definitely disappoint many fans and believers!"

"Who says? We're looking for them right now!"

Cysper hurriedly defended himself.

"Although I don't know its origins, judging from the erosion level, this place may have existed much longer than I have. So it's normal I don't know about it!"

I couldn't help feeling amused. In a sense, the Pope and Cyra do share some personality similarities - both love to show off.

However, all the chatting and joking didn't make things develop in a good direction. The bizarre finally happened when we reached the previous fork. What greeted us was not the expected two paths, but four!

"This...can't be! How did two more suddenly appear? Did we miss them before?"

I felt a chill rise from my feet that pierced through my entire body and head.


Cysper was also dumbfounded. The paths were so wide, we couldn't have possibly missed them even if blind in one eye.

"An illusion spell?"

Since illusions usually work by distorting light, as an angel, I had the most authority on whether what we saw was an illusion.

But I didn't detect any abnormal activity of light elements, so...

"Maybe we should head back and rethink this!"

Feeling a chill down my spine, I hurriedly suggested.


He didn't care about the details anymore and quickly pulled me to turn back.

But the situation wasn't as smooth as last time. After running back along the tunnel for a while, when we finally reached the front exit, it wasn't the familiar lakeshore that greeted us, but another fork in the path.

This time was different again - the path ahead split into three ways.

"We're doomed, this place must be haunted!"

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