Some information

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Okay , so some of my reader , who usually dm me and also in the comments, you guys have so much to ask so i will basically give a brief answer to your most asked questions.

Q1) Was Jungkook dating a minor ? As he is quite older? How long they dated ?

A) Nope Taehyung was 18 when he met Jungkook. So that consider Mature. They dated was almost 3 years .

Q2) How old was Taehyung when Jimin basically Abducted him ?

A) He turned 20 , it was like 4 days after his birthday.

Q3) who is Mr Lee?

Jimin had a nanny or maid , whom his Mother killed , Mr lee was her father and a servant that also worked for Jimin's real dad.

Q4) what happened to Jimin's mother , did karma strike her or not?

A) well she fell from the stairs and ended up in Coma , it happened when Jimin was in the mental asylum. She died after he came out . Now it's a mystery that whether she died a natural death or was purposely killed by Mr lee or Jimin.

Q5) was Yoongi a pedophile ?

A) As a writer i didn't plan Yoongi as a pedophile, the original idea was to show that Jimin was so beautiful that he turned tables for Yoongi. He didn't assault any other patient except Jimin.

Q6) what exactly Happened to Yoongi?

A) Well after Yoongi ,confessed his crime, he was all over the news as he was the famous psychiatrist, he was put in jail as he confessed himself but when Jimin got informed about the situation, he had only one thing in mind that his name shouldn't get involved as that would Invalid Taehyung certificate of abnormality. So he made a deal with Yoongi's high class family , whom only cared about their name. The deal was that Jimin will deny everything and in return they have to say that Yoongi have lost his mind and also a new doctor claiming that Taehyung is not normal.

Q7) why Yoongi family put him in mental Hospital?

A ) as i say above , his family name was more important but Yoongi wanted Jimin's trust again so that he can end up with him, that's why he told the police about the video so that they can see the authentic proof for his crime but his family was about to delete everything with Jimin's help and when Yoongi refused to back down , his family proof that his son's condition and his daughter's hatred have caused him some deep mental issues. Hence he ended up in the mental ward. Which was satisfying for Jimin as well.

Q8) who did Jimin saved at the bridge, when was injured?

A) i did mention it in a chapter but anyway , it was Yoongi's daughter, who that day found the truth about his father and yes Jimin knew she was Yoongi's daughter.

Q9) was Jimin a bad guy?

A) That's up to the reader.

Q10) how many people Jimin hurt ?

A) he only hurt two people on purpose , Hobie and Taehyung. As for Jin , he didn't knew that thing will go that way . All he through that Namjoon will get a little scolding but Jin ending in the hospital was not his plan.

Q11) why Taehyung didn't marry Jungkook?

A) it's an open ending for him, he gave a hint that maybe in future but for now he is just recovering.

Q12) will there be another ending?

A) yes readers ending is in progress, I'll update soon. Reader will get Vmin together version as well.

I guess that's all the confusion that needed to be solve , of you have any more do ask me .

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