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I am waiting
For my butterfly effect.

Tae POV:
Its morning . I turned my head only to see him sleeping peacefully next to me. He looks so sweet and angelic while sleeping . But only i know this angel's devilish side . He is hugging me so tight that i can barely breathe.  Is he really sleeping?? . I couldn't sleep all night because of the extreme pain in my lower body . I want to move and go to bathroom so i can remove his dirt off of me but if i moved and Disturbed his sleep, I don't know what he is going to do to me then . So the only choice is to wait for him to wake up . After 15 mint he finally loosen his grip as i was about to sit he pulled me harshly upon him . "Ouch my body hurts ." I whispered to myself.

"Good morning babe". He said sweetly. And kissed me softly on lips.

"G-good morn-n-ning". I bit my lips. He squeezed me more so i can get more near to him,If that's even possible .

"Sorry about last night . I was angry at you. Not because of you broke a stupid glass i was mad because you ran away from me like that. You know i was worried about you that's why i followed you but than you started running and hiding  and you know what happened next . Please baby don't be afraid of me . I love you so much just do what i say and nothing will go wrong. " i was listening to him silently.  Love ? Did he again said that he love me . To me it can be any thing but love .I was in deep thoughts when he called me again.

"Babe answer me" he said looking annoying.

"What". i said looking at him

"You will do as i say right?" . he said before kissing me again. I nodded my head my head slowly.

"Now what did i tell you about nodding last time?". he said squeezing me tightly.

"Yes yes I'll d-d-do what ever you say. I promise"i said as fastly as i could.

"Good boy Okay, Now go and take shower i am going to make breakfast for us today".he said softly.

"Okay." with that i tried to stand but failed and fall hard on the floor.

"Hahahahah well someone was rough with someone last night". how can he smile like that . I tried again and this time i was successful, i limped towards the bathroom and quickly closed the door and started crying my eyes out, when i saw my naked body it was covered with bruises , hickeys and blood. I was about to see my terrified image but i quickly put my hand on my mouth so that he can't hear my voice, small hiccups left my mouth as i tried to control my sobs. I took a deep breath and stepped inside the shower . The cold water made me little relax in my cruel world . I closed my eyes slowly thinking about my past and Then.

Flash back: 11 years ago.
(AUTHOR: Tae is 7 year old and jimin is 9.)

"Hey jimin" . I called him while playing with dirt.

"Yes ?"

"Why do you come to play with me everyday ? Don't you have friends ?" I was curious to know.

"I do have friends. But i like you more than my other friends."

"Really !!! "*shock face*

"Yes! you got any doubt ?"

"No !! then promise me ?"

"What ???"

"You will never leave me alone ever."

"Its a tough promise though."

"Is that a no" * with sad face *

"No!!. i promise i won't leave you never ever hahaha " he hugged me tightly.*laughs loudly*

"Thank you". *while hugging him*

"But why did you made me promise all of the sudden ???"he looks confused.

"Sister Jennie the worker at my orphanage. Said to me that she won't ever leave me but she is getting married that means now she will live with her husband and will leave me alone. So when i asked her that she promised me that she won't ever leave me . She told me that she didn't promised me anything but if i need her. all i have to do is to tell Sister ROSE and she'll let me talk to her".

"Oh so that's why you took promise from me."

"Yes cause sister jennie says a promise should never ever be broken."

"It means i am trapped. " he said taunting.

"So you think i am a trap" *pouting*

"Aigoo ! No i didn't said that i wouldn't love a beautiful trap like you hehe"  . *hugs tightly* . "I have a better idea ". I yelled.

"What?? " He said in confusion.

"Why don't we get married to each other in that way you will live with me and we will be always together and  happy."

"Will you marry me ??"

"Yes if you want ,than I'll marry you."

"Than its  done, lets get married when we grow up Okay. " Jimin make a superman pose while saying this and i copied him while smiling " yes we'll sure will".

Flashback ends..  

I miss those time . I miss him . I miss everyone who loved me once .. i miss my cheerful self. I wish those moments to comeback.
"Are you done" *bang* *bang*he said loudly while banging the door. I quickly came out from the shower, a smile was plastered on my face, why the hell i am smiling like this.

Even the thoughts of my beautiful past is even to lighten my dark world of present. I miss those moments, I miss those days, i miss Him.

" Are you even listening TAEHYUNG!!" he yelled this time.

"Just getting dressed up". I replied quickly.

"Hurry up breakfast is getting cold".he said in a soft again. His duality is a mystery itself.

"Okay just 2 mint please." I said again.
Just two mint than I'll be back in my painful reality.


I was actually listening to promise by jimin while writing this lol .. but here is an update like i promise😉 . I am being punctual lol . Hope you like this chap . Please vote . Thank you .

I purple you all 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜

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