Chapter 5

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Elliot's view.

I awoke thinking last night was a dream. It was all a dream, i told myself. She couldn't have tried to kill herself last night. No. Get it right, Elliot she threatened. She didn't do it, I told myself. I got up and suddenly felt extremely tired. I fell back on the bed and felt my breath shorten. I started having troubles breathing. I then heard a knock on the door. "Elliot, it's me, Lila. Can i come in?" Lila asked.

I could hardly talk and i didn't know how to tell her. So i stayed silent. She then just came in. She looked at me. "Are you mad at me?" She asked. She was wearing a black skirt, cropped purple sweater, caramel looped scarf, black tights, dark brown boots, and white socks. Her hair was in a messy bun. "Answer me." She said.

She then noticed that i couldn't really talk, because i tried. She sat me up and made me comfortable on the bed. Then she went to get help. She seemed oddly calm about it. She also sounded super tired.

Lila's View.

He wasn't breathing well. I thought as i walked down the hallways. I tried to find the closest nurse. I finally found one. She looked at me. "Excuse me, I need help. My boyfriend isn't breathing very well and he has heart cancer." I told her. She nodded and followed me to his room.

When we came back, he wasn't there. I looked around. "Where is he?" She asked. "I dont know." I answered. "Wait. Are you talking about Elliot Taylor?" She asked. I nodded. "He was scheduled to have Chemo today. So they probably took him." She informed me. I thanked her and left.

I went back to my grandmas room. "Have you got me juice yet?" She asked. "No." I answered. "Ok. Ill ask someone else to get me juice." She said. I sighed and sat down on the chair next to her bed. Suddenly a nurse knocked on the door. I got up and answered it. "Lila. You better sit down for what i am about to tell you." She sighed. I sat down."Elliot died during Chemo." She said, slowly.

I felt like my lungs just collapsed. I couldnt breathe. Tears ran down my face with out my permission. He actually died this time. I couldn't hold it in. I cried and cried. How can he just die like that on me? H-h-he died. My dad walked in at that time. Of course. It was a Tuesday. Why does this always happen when i love someone or something? I couldn't deal with this no more. I glanced over to where i stuck the knife, in a drawer. I had to. I could be with him then.

Elliot's View.

I woke up in my room alone. I heard crying from the room next door. It was Lila's room. I walked over there and walked in. She didn't see me. "Lila, what's wrong?" I asked. She didn't hear me.

I walked over to her and touched her shoulder. She looked around but not at me. I then looked at my hands and they were pale. Almost see-thru I turned around and was shocked by what i saw. It was a girl. She was just as pale and see-thru as me. "You are dead." She said. "Stop messing with the living." She glared. The living? The dead? What is going on? "Elliot's dead." Lila cried as her father asked her what's wrong. I am a ghost? I thought. I turned back around and actually looked at the girl. Her hair was blonde with pastel purple highlights and her eyes were sparkling blue. She wore a black belly shirt with 3 white skulls on it, a tan Moschino skirt, Sneaky black fox tights, and Dr. Martens ankle booties. She was cute. But not as cute as Lila. "The name is Lacey. And i'm guessing you are Elliot?" She asked. I nodded. "She's pretty. Is she your girlfriend?" She asked. She pointed at Lila. I nodded again.

I couldn't see Lila in all of this pain. "Whats her name?" Lacey asked. "Lila." I said, sadly. I noticed Lila was pushing away the people who tried to comfort her. "LEAVE ME ALONE!" She screamed and got up and went out of the room. She slammed the door. "She's got a temper. I like her." Lacey smiled. I sighed and followed Lila. Lacey then followed me. I followed Lila into my room. She sat on my bed and cried. She hugged my pillow. "She is such a sweetheart. Even i want to hug her."Lacey said. I glared at Lacey. "Why are you even following me?" I asked. "Your new here. Which means you haven't gone insane like the rest of the ghosts here. And i hate being lonely." She smiled. I sighed. That means i'm stuck with this annoying pastel-goth freak. I went over to Lila and hugged her. "It feels like you are still here with me, Elliot. I miss you so much." Lila cried. I froze and was about to get away from her cause everytime i touched her she cried even more. "Don't move from her. She won't let anyone else comfort her. I wish I had someone to comfort me when my boyfriend died. You kind of remind me of him." Lacey sighed. I looked at her. "How did you die?" I asked. "Doctors messed up on my stomach surgery and they killed me." She told me. "You don't have to tell me how you died. I saw it. The grimm reaper told me to help you around." She said. "Oh.." I said. She smiled. "We better go. You have to meet the other ghosts." She said. I looked at Lila. "I can't leave her." I said. Lacey smiled. "I promise you can see her later. You can watch her all night long. I have someone i have to spend time with anyways." She said. I nodded and went with her.

When i followed her, i saw other ghosts watching us. They were a lot older then us usually. Suddenly i saw this little girl. She was a ghost. She came up to us. "Daddy? Have you seen my daddy?" She asked. Lacey smiled and picked her up. "Your daddy isn't with us. It was his turn to go through the door that leads to either heaven or hell. I know for a fact your father went to heaven." She smiled. The little girl nodded and walked away. "She asks me daily if i have seen her father. He died. He went to hell but i can't tell her that. He use to kill people." Lacey explained. "So you lie to her?" I asked. "I have to. If she knows he went to hell she will make bad choices and go to hell just to find him." She explained, bothered i even had to ask.

Lila's View.

I cried. I felt like Elliot hugged me. I felt like i could feel his confusion. How scared he was. How can i help him? Can I kill myself to be with him? But how? When? I cant. It would hurt him. But being without him is hurting me. I should have stayed with him. Should have went with him to chemo. I could have stopped this. Could have stopped them. From killing him. From hurting him. I couldn't deal with this. I went to my grandmas room and cuddled with her. She cuddled me back. "I miss him." I cried, as i buried my head into her shoulder. "I'm sorry hunnie." She said quietly. I then fell asleep in her arms.

Elliot's view.

I followed Lila to a basement. It was deserted. Suddenly I heard whispers. They then turned into screams. Silent screaming. But yet they were so loud. Suddenly, hundreds of ghosts were surrounding us. Most were old people. There was like at least 10 that were our age. A girl with dirty blonde hair in loose pigtails and blue eyes came skipping up to us. She was about 16 years old. She wore Kawaii cat socks and denim shorts. She also wore a black pastel shirt with a purple,blue, and pink unicorn on it. She wore pastel purple converse. She also wore a mini blue bow in her hair with a mini purple one underneath it. She wore a necklace that said "People suck. Lets be Unicorns." on it. It had a unicorn underneath the white words. "LACEY!!! MY BABY!" She screamed and jumped on Lacey like a child would. A Guy who looked 17 followed after her and stood there. He had brown hair like i use to. And he had green eyes. He wore a simple plain black shirt and white skinny jeans. He wore black converse. "Hi Lexi." She laughed. She then looked at the guy. "Hi Tristan." She smiled. He waved at her. Lexi finally got off of Lacey and looked at me in disgust. "Who is this man? Is he bothering you?" She asked Lacey. "He just died like an hour ago. I have to show him around. His name is Elliot." Lacey smiled. Lexi watched me carefully. "If you hurt Lacey i will chop off you head and glue it to the wall." She smiled. Lacey laughed nervously. "He has a girlfriend." She said. "Who is she? Maybe i know her." She said. "She is living." Lacey said. "Oh. Good luck with that." She laughed. "ANYWAYS!" She sighed. "How did you die?" She asked. "Heart cancer." I said sadly. "I died in a car crash and Tristan died by getting shot on accident." She smiled. Why would she smile at that? This girl is crazy. "Lexi's mine.." Tristan said softly. Lexi looked at him. "Hey Tristan? Can I tell you something?" She said as she dragged him away. She put her mouth to his ear and screamed "HE HAS A GIRLFRIEND!". Lacey laughed as they walked back over to us. "Speaking of which, I am going to go back to her." I said. Lacey nodded understandably. "Lexi, Tristan, and I have to go see someone anyways." Lacey said. I nodded as they left.

Lacey's View.

I walked to my living boyfriends hospital room with Lexi and Tristan. "I have a feeling you didn't friend zone Elliot." She said. I looked at her. "I didn't have to. He friend zoned me." I said, softly. "Yes it totally looked like it." Lexi said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes. I looked back at them and they were holding hands. "You are lucky. You have a boyfriend that's a ghost." I said. Lexi looked at me. "You could too." Tristan said. I knew he was talking bout Elliot. "HAVE YOU NOT UNDERSTOOD THAT HE HAS A GIRLFRIEND!?" Lexi yelled. I laughed at her. "Elliot is still not over "Lila" I said. Lexi giggled. "All three of our names start with L." She laughed. I rolled my eyes at her. When we got to my boyfriend, Damien's room, I looked at him as he was kissing another girl. "I dont understand why you still visit him when he is obviously over you." Lexi said. "Because. I'm not over him." I said. I stood there and watched as they kissed. I then gave Lexi a smiled and we got up on the bed and started jumping on it. Damien and the girl screamed and got up as they saw the bed moving. I gave Lexi a look that said "Let's have fun.". Lexi smiled and pulled down the girls pants. Damien looked at her in shock. "I am not ready for that." He said. We laughed and i blindfolded Tristan so that he didn't see the girl.

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