Chapter 36

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Felicity's View

          When I wake up, Lila's still in bed with me. I am almost on the edge of the bed and she's taking the rest of the bed up. I scoot her over and get on the bed more. She then tries to roll me off again. "Bruh." I say, glaring at her. She doesn't wake up but she moves to her side of the bed. I cuddle up to her and smile at her goregousness. I prefer her without makeup to be honest. If she feels like she needs it, okay. But her face without makeup is breathtaking. Her beauty is not covered up with foundation or anything else. It's fully natural. Her with makeup is goregous and I still love it. Plus, beautiful or not, I would still love her to death. She squirms in her sleep and pushes away from me. She moves alot in her sleep. I've caught her talking a couple times in her sleep too. She finally wakes up and looks offended that I'm not laying on her. "You pushed me away" I laughed. She groaned and pulled me close to her and put her leg around me. I looked at her and she seemed to be enjoying herself. I rolled my eyes and let it happen. "I want donuts." She whispers and pops out of bed and runs downstairs, getting on her slippers. "Lila!" I whisper yell, grabbing some of her slippers and putting them on. I meet her down in the kitchen and she has her purse. "I want donuts." She says. "Are you going out in your pajamas and slippers?" I ask. She's nods and grabs my hand and leads me out of the door. I guess I'm leaving in my pajamas and slippers too. She holds my hand the entire way to the store. It was 12:00 pm and we kept getting weird looks. She pulls me into Dunk'n Donuts and heads straight to the counter. "Straight out of bed?" The guy behind the counter laughed. I nod. She orders 5 donuts for herself and 5 for me even though I'm not gonna eat all 5. She pays for the donuts and we leave. "Do not run into me this time please. " She smiles, shoving donuts down her throat. I grab a donut and eat it while we walk back to her house. I guess she was really hungry because by the time we got to her house, all her donuts were gone and I had only ate 3.

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