Chapter 54

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Lance's View

     Silence overcomes us all as we walk. "So what is your names?" I ask them. The girl with the rainbow hair was the first to answer. "My name is Lizzie." She says. "Sora." The black haired girl muttered. "Mine is Lance" I smile at them. Sora was still shaken up. When we arrive at a blue house, Lizzie and Sora both stop. I stop walking too. "Can I have your number?" I ask Sora. Sora takes my phone and puts in her number and I put mine in hers. She gives me a hug and says thank you, then goes inside. Lizzie smiles at me and walks up the stairs of the house, following Sora.

Sora's View

      As soon as I got inside, I ran into my bedroom and locked the door. No one was home besides Lizzie and I. Lizzie pounded on my door. I could barely hear the pounding over my sobs. I felt like I was gonna puke. I walk over to a canister in my room and grab out a razor blade. I then go underneath my bed and grab vodka and Gatorade. I lay on my bed, avoiding Lizzie's pleas of being let inside. I grab my razor blade and cut my inner thighs. I cut repeatedly, watching the blood drip onto my bedding. My bedding was black anyway. The blood formed a little damp puddle. I didn't cut deep enough to kill myself. Just enough to sting me. To remind me that I am fragile and like paper. The razor is the pen. Gliding across my skin, doing what I make it do. The opening of my wounds felt like a relief.

Vincent's View

          I call Lance, he let his phone ring twice before answering.
Him: Hey.
Me: Hey. So I know you live in a shitty ass old apartment. My house is basically a circus but there is another room. I lied to the twins saying there wasn't. Want to come live with me? I talked to everyone and they are fine with it.
Him: Yeah sure. When should I move in?
Me: Whenever.
Him: How about tonight?
Me: You aren't even packed though.
Him: I have like no shit. Wouldn't even take an hour to pack up.
Me: Sure. Pack up and come.
Him: Okay. See you soon.
Me: Bye.

"So Lance is living with us and moving in tonight." I tell everyone. "Still don't know who this man is." Lexi says, sitting in the arm of the couch like always. I roll my eyes and go into the extra room. "You told us there wasn't one." Leah growled. "I lied." I smile.

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