Chapter 52

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Sora's View

The next day, I walk over to a little place called "Dutch Bros". I walk right up to the window, because you can't go inside the little place unless if you are a worker. The worker immediately smiles at me. This place is known as a coffee shop but also sells smoothies. "Can I get a large berry smoothie please?" I ask her. She nods and goes right on into making it. I look to the left of me and there is a girl with rainbow colored hair sitting at one of the tables that were outside. She was drinking a dinosaur egg with whipped cream on top. The dinosaur egg was a drink that had some energy drink in it and it was kinda like a smoothie. The worker gives me my drink and I pay for it. I walk over to a different table than the girl with rainbow hair was sitting at. She looked at me and came to sit next to me. I look at her oddly as I sip my smoothie and don't say a word. I don't like talking to people. Especially strangers. She gives me a friendly smile. "Hi. My name is Lizzie." She smiles at me. I nod at her. Then I look at her face and she was saddened at the fact that I didn't respond to her so I sigh. "Hello, my name is Sora." I tell her. Lizzie's face brightens up as soon as I respond to her. "How are you on this lovely day?" She asks, taking a drink of her drink. I raise an eyebrow at her. She is really trying to get to know me. Somehow I feel like I can trust her. I don't know how anyone can contain that much happiness and friendlyness though. It's kind of scary. "I'm good I guess..." I say, not wanting to continue the conversation. She raises an eyebrow at me, waiting for me to ask her how she was. I take her que, and am utterly annoyed with her persistence. "How are you?" I ask her, returning her question as she insisted. She smiles at me for the millionth time. "I'm really happy now that i have someone to talk with!" She declares happily. Suddenly, she slides her phone over to me. "Can I have your phone number?" She asks, hopeful. I give in. Her face is suprisingly one that I can't say no to. I take her phone and type in my number and hand it back to her. As soon as I hand it back, she begins typing away a message on her phone and instantly I hear my phone ding. I roll my eyes and check it. "Hey new friend! It's Lizzie!!" The message read. "I got the message." I inform her. She nods. "I have to go. But I will keep in touch. Bye friend!!" She yells as she walks away. Damn she's loud as fuck. I like it better when it's quiet.

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