Chapter 59

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Chrissy's View

        Its been a week since Lacey passed away. It was the day of her funeral. I get to see her dead body in a coffin. I have see the makeup that the funeral home plastered on her, making her look like a clown. When i get to the funeral home, everyone is already there. People that i didnt know, and people that i did know. Some crying, some just sad. I walk inro the room, feeling numb.  As soon as i shut the door, all eyes are on me. I stare blankly at all of them and just walk over to the already open coffin. Lacey didnt look like Lacey. If i didn't know anybetter, i would have thought they replaced her.  Everyone else must have thought the same thing because they had the same facial expression that i had while looking into the coffin. "She doesnt look happy." Someone whispered. "Well, shes dead so.." Someone else responded. "No. I mean her girlfriend." The same voice as the first one said. "Well, her girlfriend is dead.." Someone responded.  I turned around and flashed them a glare. They walked away from me, leaving me standing by the coffin alone.

Vincent's View

       Although I didnt know Lacey very well, she meant alot to Tristan.  I had never seen Tristan cry before. He hadn't spoken to me ever since he found out about Lacey. He spoke to me for the first time in a week this morning while we were getting ready for the funeral. Everyone that I knew was here. Lacey was super loved and its sad to know that she is dead.  Lexi hasn't been to my house at all since the news came out. Lexi was sitting on the ground next to Laceys coffin. No one else except for our usual group could see her. All they could hear was crying coming from next to Laceys coffin. You could tell that they were freaked out but they didnt question it.

Lexi's View

       Seeing everyone here at the funeral, frustrated me. Hardly any of these people knew her. They were just standing here, pretending to have known and loved her. This world has gone to hell. Everyone is dying, no one is happy. Soon enough, everyone will be dead. The world will end and there will be no one to remember the ones who have lived.

The end of the book. Leave your thoughts down below. Thank you for reading.

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