Chapter 31

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Chrissy's View

          Lacey is so good with my sister. My sister adores her. Lacey has been playing with Natalie this whole time. It makes me happy to know that I can trust her with my sister. I want to call Lacey my girlfriend but she isn't. I can't ask her in front of my sister either. My mom is really against gays and I have came out to my mother and she refuses to let me tell Natalie. But now that I have custody of Natalie, I can tell her. Just not right now. Natalie doesn't really know where Lacey stands in my life. My thoughts were interrupted when I felt someone put their arms around my waist. It was Lacey. I know that Natalie senses that something's up but she doesn't seem to mind. I smiled at Lacey. "Are you okay?" She asks me. "I'm great. Just lost in my thoughts." I tell her and I kiss her cheek. She smiles at me and I can tell that she wants to kiss me on the lips but she doesn't want to in front of Nat. I agree with her. Natalie walks up to us. "Are you guys dating?" She asks. Lacey and I look at each other. I think that right now is the best time to ask. "Lacey, would you like to be my girlfriend?" I asked her, holding her hand while Nat watched. Lacey let's go and puts her hands over her mouth and squeals. She jumps on my waist and I catch her. She kisses me on the lips passionately. When she pulls away I smile. "I'm guessing that's a yes?" I ask. "Yes!" She says, jumping down and hugging me. Natalie watches us. "So you guys are." She smiles. I look at Nat and then I hug her because she's so excepting. I didn't expect her to be. Considering my mom isn't. But Nat has alot of differences between her and my mother. That's why I love her so much. Lacey is perfect. She loves kids, she's funny, passionate, caring, goregous, and the hottest girl in town. Actually, she's the hottest girl in the world. She's not afraid to go after her dreams. Every guy would love to date her but instead I get her. I don't deserve someone as great as her. But I'm glad that she thinks that I do deserve her. She could make the ground into diamonds just by walking on it. When she walks down the street, all heads turn. But she's mine.

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