Chapter 6

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Lila's View.

I stared down at a gun. I brought it up to my head. I can't live without him. Just as i pulled the trigger, Stephan jumped in front of it and it hit his temple. I ran up to him and he wasn't breathing. I started to cry. I can't deal with this anymore. I am a disaster. Im a fucking mess. I brought the gun up to my head again and pulled the trigger. I fell down and i saw a dark figure come to me. "Wow. Kill 2 people in one day." He said. It was the Grimm reaper. I looked down at my body. Blood was splattered all over the walls. Who's blood was it? Mine or Stephans? I then saw Stephan. He was staring at his body. "YOU KILLED ME!" He screamed. "You deserved it." I smiled. I then saw Elliot walk in. "LILA!?" He yelled. He looked at my body and at Stephans. "Who killed who?" He asked. "I killed us both" I said. He looked at me. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" He screamed. I stared at him. "I wanted to be together." I told him. "YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO KILL YOURSELF!" He screamed. I started to cry. He didn't want me. Then 2 girls and one boy walked in. One girl had blonde hair with purple highlights and blue eyes. She wore a belly shirt with three skulls on it and a tan skirt. She then wore fox leggings and boots. The other girl looked like a freaking rainbow puked on her. She had dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. She wore cat socks and denim shorts with a unicorn shirt. She also wore purple converse. The boy, he was pretty cute. He had brown hair and green eyes. He was wearing a black shirt and white skinny jeans. He then wore black converse. "OH MY GOLLY GOSH!!" The kawaii girl yelled. "IS THIS HIS GIRLFRIEND!?" She screamed in excitement. The gothic girl nodded. I looked at Elliot. "care to explain these people?" I asked. "That is Lacey, Lexi, and Tristan." He said. "Hello." Tristan smiled. Lexi then smacked him. "YOU FREAKING FLIRT!" She screamed. Lacey hugged Lexi from behind. "Shush my little baby shush." She said. Suddenly, A door entered the room. It was black with lines on it. "OMIGOSH!! ITS MY DOOR!" Yelled lacey. Door? Suddenly, the door flew open, and Lacey stepped in. "BYE GUYS!!" She said excitedly. The door disappeared immediately. Lexi gasped. "SHE. LEFT. ME!" She screamed. I looked at her. Tristan grabbed her hand and kissed it. "I will never leave you." He said softly. She blushed and kissed him. My heart dropped. I liked Tristan. But she basically marked her property on him right there. Elliot laughed as he saw me watching them. I glared at him. "You are mine. And only mine." Tristan said to Lexi as if they were the only people in the world. I smiled just watching them. They belonged together. Then Lexi noticed us watching and her face got all red. "D-d-do you mind?" She asked, nervously. Tristan smiled and pulled her out of the room. They were holding hands.

Lexi's View.

I stared into Tristans eyes. I love him so much. He grabbed my hands and held them. "Your beautiful.I could stand here and say that all day but the words would be meaningless because words can't express how much i need you. How much i love you." He spoke softly. I smiled. I hugged him tightly and he lighted me up and twirled me around. He then kissed me. His lips were so warm. It was amazing. I loved getting kissed by him. Suddenly, Lila came out of the room. She looked at Tristan. OH NO SHE DIDN'T! Does she have a crush on him?? Oh my goodness. Keep calm. I know Tristan is in love with me. Not her. Ok. Calm. Don't kill her. She doesn't know he is mine yet. I then kissed Tristan again right in front of Lila. "Uhm.. Hi Lexi." Lila said. I looked at her and smiled. "Hello." I said. IT WORKED! Tristan looked at me surprised but i know he knew what i was doing. So did Lila. "I need some time alone." I told Tristan. He nodded and let me go. I walked to the woods then. I sat on a tree and sniffed the flowers that were there. It was night time it was peaceful. Suddenly, a little girl walked past the tree. "Hello child." I said. She looked at me. Oh. I forgot the living can hear ghosts. Oops. Just broke a rule. Is it that bad though? She looked at me freaked out. "A-a-are you a ghost?" She asked. I proudly nodded. Wait why am i proud? She sat on the ground. "What are you doing out here so late?" I asked. "My mom disappeared here a year ago. I need to find her. What is it like to be a ghost?" She asked. I looked at her. I was about to say something but hesitated. Should i break another rule? "It gets lonely." I simplified. "Do you guys have rules?" She asked. I looked at her. Does she want me to break rules? GEESH! This child is rude. "uhm.. yes we do." I said. "What are they?" She asked. "You are asking me to break them basicly." I told her. "Please just tell me one." She begged. I paused. Should i? Whats the worse that could happen? "Don't tell the living about the ghost world." I told her. "What else?" She asked, intrigued. "Don't tell the living our rules." I glared. "What is the ghost world? What happens? Where is it?" She asked. "The ghost world is everywhere. If you listen closely you might hear a mother singing a lullaby for her little daughter, trying to find her. They are everywhere. No place is without them." I told her. She looked around. "Ghosts like to watch the living. They have to do something special for the living in order to go onto the next stage of life. That stage is: Heaven or Hell. Each ghost is assigned to a door. It will pop up once you succeeded. You go in it and you go to where you belong." I said. Oh my gosh. I just broke a rule... More then one. The girl then told me she had to leave. I told her i would meet her here the next day. The same time. I walked back to the hospital. When i got there, Tristan waited for me with a hug. "My angel has returned" He smiled. I smiled back, i was alittle nervous though. Should i tell tristan what i just did? No. I can't. He will tell. I walked to the basement where the ghosts hang out and i sat on a chair.

Tristan's View.

I sat down next to Lila, letting Lexi talk to Elliot. I can't believe how amazing Lexi is. I would die if i lost her. "Can i tell you something?" Lila asked. I nodded. "I like you." She smiled. I looked at her in shock. She then leaned in and kissed me. I pushed her away immediately. "I am with Lexi. And i don't plan on leaving her. So, If you mind, Don't do that again." I warned. I then walked over to Lexi. I grabbed her hand and pulled her away from Elliot. "Lila kissed me." I told her. Lexi looked at me in shock. She looked mad. Really mad. She then walked away quickly. "I DIDN'T KISS HER BACK!" I yelled after her.

Lila's View.

I hurried after Lexi. But i stopped. I heard her and a little kid talking. "What else happens in the ghost world?" The little kid asked. Lexi laughed. "There is a ghost council they are the boss of everyone. They control whether a ghost goes to Heaven or Hell." Lexi answered. She told a human something bout the ghost world. I got to tell the council. I then ran to the council building. "Lexi has told a human about the ghost world." I said. They nodded and thanked me. I smiled and turned around and there was my door. I walked in it and it shut behind me.

Elliot's View.

I wondered where everyone went. Lacey left. Lexi is who knows where. Tristan is talking to another ghost. Lila left too. Stephan, i don't care where he is. I turned around and my door was there.. I didn't do anything though. I walked in there and i saw Lila and Lacey. I smiled and joined them.

Lexi's view.

I stood at the foot of the council as they told me i would be stuck in the ghost world forever since i broke the rules. I sighed and went back to the hospital. Tristan held my hand. "I'm sorry you won't be able to go in your door." He told me. Suddenly, his door appeared. I hugged him tightly.He then went in. A few minutes later he came out. "I refused to go without you. So they forbid me to come in. Then they agreed to let me, you, Lila, Lacey, and Elliot to be back alive. They are giving us another chance. I looked at him in shock. He did that for me?

Lacey's view.

I suddenly wasn't in heaven anymore. Elliot, Tristan, Lila, and Lexi were with me in the hospital parking lot. Only we weren't ghosts. Also, we were wearing different clothes. Elliot was wearing a red flannel shirt, Black skinny jeans,Grey skytop sneakers, and a black winter beanie. Lexi was wearing a cute blue and white pastel vintage bear sweater, Pastel purple, peach, white, and pink flower crown, Light pink skinny jeans, and Kawaii lace up pink plush panda sneakers. Tristan wore a plain black v-neck t-shirt, Black skinny jeans, Black beanie, and Vans LPE skate shoes. Lila was wearing, a dark blue floral printed strappy crop top, Black mini skirt, Gray ruffle socks, Black high heels, and a light pink rose flower crown. I was wearing, a black strapless dress with a mesh bottom, Black rose flower crown, Black and white cross print leggings, and black cut out platform heels. Lexi squealed in delight at her shoes. "LOOK AT THE SHOES! LOOK AT THEM!" She smiled. Elliot ran over to me and kissed me and i smiled. He was just gorgeous.

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