Chapter 10

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Lexi's Doctor's View

     "The patient is very ill and I don't think anyone should have visitations. It would hurt them greatly to see how pale she is." I say to the nurse, peeking into Lexi's room, saddened. The nurse nods and walks to the front desk to report to her what I have said. I walk into Lexi's room and see that her heart is barely beating. I know that she won't last long.

Lacey's View

      I walk over to the front desk to see if the visitation rights have changed. "No one is allowed to see her at this very moment." The lady informed me. I walked away and told Tristan the news. He was still sleeping, but maybe he heard me anyway. I had to say it out loud.

Elliot's View

     I know Lacey's sad but.. it hurts that she's talking to Tristan instead of me. I'm her boyfriend. It just kinda hurts...

Lexi's Doctors View

      Lexi died a few minutes ago.. I have to be the one to tell her friends. I walk into the waiting room and her friends stand up immediately. I walk up to the blonde. "Is she awake?!" She asked me, as soon as she saw me. I look down at the ground, then back up at her. The rest of her friends surround her as I speak to her. "I am sorry to say this, but Lexi has passed away from blood loss. We couldn't save her." I said, slowly and watched their faces fall. I watched their hearts break. The blonde immediately burst out into tears and walked out of the hospital, refusing to hear more.

Tristan's View

     I fall to the floor in disbelief. Lexi was no longer mine. No longer alive. No longer able to breath and touch me. I have to be strong but I can't. She was my heart and soul. I should have been there. This is all my fault. No one else's. Lila can't take the fault. Because I left Lexi alone. I knew she was cutting but I did nothing about it. I am pathetic. There is nothing left of her. The scent of her will forever haunt me. Her words always made everything better and they kept me holding on. I can't hear her sweet voice. Her voice was like an angel. An angel that was broken. She felt betrayed when she took her last breath.

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