Chapter 38

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Lexi's View

        I watch in the distance at the pond of where Lacey and Chrissy meet. I watch them be all happy. Suddenly, I see Elliot and Emmie walking by the pond smiling. Emmie was wearing a short sleeve shirt and shorts. I notice very deep finger nail marks and several brides on her arms and legs. Elliot had matching bruises and nail marks on his arms. I walk over to them and sit down, letting them see me. "What happened?" I ask them looking at their arms. Both Emmie and Elliot smile at eachother. "It's called love." Emmie says, her smile never leaving her face. Her and Elliot were holding hands and Elliot's fingers looked bruised. "Uh.. do we have the same definition of love?" I ask her, creeped out. "No." Elliot says seriously, tightening his grip on Emmie's hand so hard you could physically see what was happening. She just smiled at him and kissed him. I walked away, obviously not wanting to know more. They are psycho. I walk up to Chrissy and Lacey and I make myself invisible. "I really don't know about us.. I know we just started dating but--" Chrissy says to Lacey but is intruppted by Lacey. "But what?! You asked me out! You can't just do this right away!" Lacey yells. "It's not the best for Nat. I have to do what's right for her." Chrissy says, a tear rolling down her cheek. "Really? You are kidding me right? SHE WANTS US TOGETHER!" Lacey stands up, about to storm off. Chrissy grabs her hand. "I need to focus on her. She just got adopted. I can't just start dating." Chrissy says, letting go of Lacey's hand. "MAYBE YOU SHOULD HAVE THOUGHT ABOUT THAT BEFORE LEADING ME ON!" Lacey yells, storming off and leaving. I scratch my head, confused on what just happened. Chrissy sits back on the ground and buries her head into her knees, crying. I run after Lacey. After all, Lacey's my best friend. When I get to the house,Lacey is already there and she is on her bed, crying up a storm. I make myself visible again and she doesn't even notice me because her head is buried into a pillow. I sit on her bed and put my head on her back. She still ignores me and I feel her body shaking as she is gasping for breath in between her tears. She is not okay.

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