Chapter 21

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Tristan's View

      I get to the coffee shop and walk over to Vincent. Vincent smiles when he looks up at me. "Hey! You don't look like death today!" He laughs. I roll my eyes. "Hey, so I was wondering if after your shift you want to come over to my house and hang out?" I ask him. He gets out from behind the counter and hugs me. "Of course I will!" He smiles and jumps back over the counter. I laugh.

Lila's View

        "Well maybe if she wasn't so hard to get and just dated me there wouldn't be a problem!" Elliot said. "UGH! GET IT THROUGH YOUR FREAKING BRAIN THAT SHE DOESN'T LOVE YOU!" Felicity yells. "She does love me! Maybe if she wasn't with someone like you she would see it!" Elliot raises his voice. Felicity walks over to Elliot and slaps him. The sound echoed all over the house and there was a huge red spot where she smacked him. I was trying so hard not to laugh and smile. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" Elliot yelled, putting his hand over where Felicity hit him. I just stood there, covering my mouth so no one would see me smiling.

Tristan's View

        After an hour of waiting, Vincent was finally done with work. "You ready to go?" I ask him, smiling uncontrollably because he is so cute when I see his whole body. Not just half. "I'm ready." Vincent says as we walk out of the coffee shop and walk to my house.

Vincent's View

        When we walk inside of Tristan's house, I see the girls from the coffee shop standing in the living room and a guy.. the guy looked very familiar... He had a red mark on his face and all 3 of the people were arguing. His voice was like a fire in my ears. I despised that voice. His lips were like posion to my veins. He was toxic. Tristan was looking at me, worried. "Vincent? You okay?" He asked. As soon as the boy in the living room heard my name he looked up at me. "Vincent?" He asked, confused. Hearing his voice say my name was like knives stabbing me in the heart. "Elliot.." I got the nerve to say, my heart slowly sinking just with that 6 letter name. Tristan looked at Elliot and I. "You guys know eachother?" He asked. "Yes." Elliot said, not taking his eyes off of me. "how do you guys know eachother?" Tristan asked. "We dated for almost a year." I say in pure hatred. Tristan looks at the ground. "Why did you guys break up?" Tristan asked to follow up his questions. "What are we playing? 50 questions. Jesus Christ." Elliot laughed, trying to get me not to answer. "He didn't like that I was pansexual so he cheated on me." I said, staring Elliot right into his soul. Just then I noticed that the girls had left and went to Lila's room. But I didn't care. Tristan looked at Elliot. "What the fuck?!" Tristan yelled, angered. "I'm over it now. It was just a one time thing. Beware Tristan, Vincent gets jealous easily and is a dick." Elliot spoke. I walked right over to Elliot and punched him. "Say that again! I dare you!" I say, knocking Elliot to the ground and I storm out of the house.

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