Chapter 53

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Warning: This chapter and chapters after this will occasionally have more cutting and drinking and it will also have child abuse. If you do not want to read about that, I suggest you stop reading. The chapters will be very gory and depressing. Just a warning.

It's been a week since Emmie and Elliot passed

Lila's View

I snuggled my head onto Felicity's shoulder. She layed her head onto mine as we cuddle underneath a blanket on the living room couch. Felicity has been acting weird lately but I let it slide because whenever I question it, she gets unusually moody and will ignore me for the rest of the day. Speaking of which, it's hard to ignore someone who you live with. We share a room for christsakes. We run into each other constantly when we are trying to ignore each other. Today, she has been oddly silent and it worries me. She can tell I'm worried too but I can tell she is trying not to care. I suddenly sit up and turn my entire body to face her. I stare at her until she finally looks at me. She raises her eyebrow at me but I know that she knew I was irritated. "What?" She asks. I cross my arms and just shake my head, staring at her more intently. She rolls her eyes and looks away from me. I grunt in annoyance and throw the other half of the blanket at her and stomped upstairs to our room.

Lizzie's View

        Sora and I decided to go for a walk today. She was laughing and smiling. "You know what would be great right now?" I asked, smiling. She gives me the 'oh god. What the fuck are you thinking' look and doesn't dare to answer. I grab both of her hands. "Ice cream!!!" I yell, dragging her into an ice cream shop. She rolls her eyes. "You're paying." She says. I smile at her and run up to the counter like a little child would. She walks after me and leans up against the counter. After we get our ice cream, we walk outside and Sora stops immediately as soon as she walks outside and I run into her. I start to yell at her because I almost dropped my ice cream but I stop when I go around her and see her having a stand off with a 40 year old looking woman. I look back and forth at them and they look almost exactly alike. "Daughter." The lady says. Her voice is so stern and shows no emotion. Sora doesn't say a word and I can sense fear radiating off of her. The tension between them was nearly unbearable. Sora's arms were crossed and she had completely dropped her ice cream. She was digging her nails into her skin. I grab her hand away and hold it. She doesn't even look at me and continues to stare at her mother. "Are you not going to speak to your mother?!" The lady yelled, moving closer to Sora. Sora tensed up and stands as still as possible. Suddenly, Sora's mother raises her hand and is about to smack Sora when a guy suddenly grabs her wrist. Everyone's attention is diverted to him. His right eye was blue and his left was green. He has black hair and was wearing a plain white v neck with a black sweatshirt. "Leave her alone." He demanded, staring her right in the face. Sora wasn't saying a word. "Or what?" Her mother glared, pulling her arm away from him. "I will deal with you myself." He warned. He pushes her far away from Sora and looks at Sora. "Let me walk you home." He says. "Uh-- I'm her best friend." I say. He nods. "You can both bring me." Sora says, walking away.

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