Chapter 27

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Vincent's View

        I walk over to Tristan's house in a hurry. I knock on the door and I see Tristan look through the window and then he walks away, not answering it. His eyes are all red and puffy.

Lexi's View

        Jesus Christ Elliot. What the fuck? I look to see if Vincent is still at the door and he is. I open the door and let him in. He walks in, so confused. "Stop being confused and go to Tristan, dumbass!" I yell,knowing he can't hear me. He shuts the door behind him and walks upstairs to Tristan's room. I walk after him,wanting to see what happens. He walks into Tristan's room and Tristan completely ignores him. I sigh. Why the fuck can't I just freaking push them into each other? "Tristan, what's wrong?" Vincent says, sitting on Tristan's bed with him and tries to grab his hand but Tristan stands up and walks away. JUST LISTEN TO HIM FOR FUCKS SAKE! Vincent runs after him and stops him. "Why..? Just go away." Tristan says, his voice breaking and scratchy. I sit on the ground next to them, just watching. "What did I do?" Vincent asks, concerned. "You broke up with me.." Tristan says, hardly even able to speak. "No I didn't!"Vincent looks at him confused. "Yes you did. Over text." Tristan looks at the ground. "I don't have my phone." Vincent tells him. I SWEAR TO GOD. DO NOT SAY ELLIOT HAS IT. IT WILL MAKE IT WORSE. "Where is it?" Tristan looks at Vincent. "Elliot has it.. He made me go on a date with him overwise he would hurt you." Vincent informs Tristan. Tristan looks heartbroken. "Has he been stalking you..?" Tristan asks. "Yes. I didn't want to tell you and get you mad." Vincent answers him. Suddenly I hear the front door slam and so do Tristan and Vincent. I clap knowing that some serious shit is gonna go down. I follow Tristan and Vincent downstairs and we see Elliot.

Tristan's View

      I look at Elliot with pure hatred. "Oh hey guys." He says, trying not to look guilty. "Give me my phone." Vincent demands. I hear a random squeal of excitement out of nowhere and I look around and see no one with that high pitch of a voice. Elliot looks at him pretending to be confused. "What do you mean?" He asks, pretending to play dumb. Vincent grabs Elliot by the shirt and pins him against the wall. "Give me my fucking phone." Vincent says, more angry. Elliot grabs Vincent's phone from out of his pocket and gives it to Vincent. Vincent drops Elliot. He hands his phone to me and he starts punching Elliot, not even knowing where he was hitting. He was landing every single punch though. Elliot was too weak to try to fight back. Finally I pulled Vincent away from Elliot and blood was all over Vincent's fists. Elliot's face was so bloody you could hardly tell that it was him.

Lila's View

      I walk inside to see Tristan holding Vincent back and someone's face so bloody you can't tell who it is. "Um... Who is that?" I ask, concerned. The person tried to gasp for breath to speak but couldn't. Blood was filling his lungs. "WE NEED TO GET HIM TO THE HOSPITAL!" I scream. Neither Vincent or Tristan even move. "It's Elliot." Tristan mutters with cold tone in his voice. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" I yell. "he deserved it." Vincent says.

Lexi's View
Lila called Lacey and they brought Elliot to the hospital.

       I wait in the hospital waiting room with Lila and Lacey. I was not disappointed by the turn out of that fight. It was kinda funny. His face is so fucked up. It's great. 

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