Chapter 37

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Emmie's View

     Elliot has lived in my house for 2 days now. It makes me happy because now I will know everything about him. Every little thing he does. I've been observing him closely. I barely sleep at night because I watch him sleep. He tosses and turns exactly 3 times each night before he actually can get to sleep. His breathing is slow and steady. He snores really quietly and he cannot sleep without a fan. He doesn't like cuddling in his sleep or before he goes to bed and he doesn't remember his dreams. I have alot more to learn about his sleeping habits. I've only lived with him for 2 days so I can't know much. I'm obsessed with him. He's like when a little girl gets a doll for the first time and it's like her world has light up for the first time and she never wants to let go of it. He's my doll. So far I have convinced him to let me dress him. There's something about him that drives me mad. I just have to have him. I now do have him. I have to keep him and he will never get away from me. Never ever. He's perfect. I look over on the couch and he is reading a book. The book was called Nevermore. I'm not much of a reader. He wears reading glasses and looks very passionate while reading. I walk over to the couch that he was sitting on and sit next to him. He puts his arm around me, not looking away from his book. I frown and get closer to him. He still doesn't look away from his book. I groan and kiss his cheek. He smiles but keeps looking at his book. I storm off the couch and go to my room, annoyed that he wasn't paying attention to me. He cared more about his stupid book. I sit on the bed and sigh. I hear no sound of him getting up so I walk back over there and smack him. "Pay attention to me!" I yell. He rolls his eyes, not phased by my smack but he finally looks up. "I wouldn't advise you to do that again." He says seriously. I glare at him and smack him again. He gets up and pushes me against the wall violently and hits me really hard on the arm and I know it will leave a bruise. I smile. I like it rough. We immediately make out and start having sex, pulling each other's hair and digging our nails into each other's skin so deep it bleeds.

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