Chapter 26

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Tristan's View

        Vincent would have messaged me by now.. I keep looking at my phone thinking he would but he isn't. And Elliot isn't here and he usually is.. Did they get back together? I mean I'm not dating Vincent.. so why should I care what he does? Oh who am I kidding?! I love him! I love that boy so much!

Lexi's View

       It sucks being dead again. But I still can watch over my boyfriend. I sit on his bed with him and he looks so miserable. I know why too. Vincent. Vincent and him are actually really cute together. I mean technically Tristan is my ex. Is it normal for a girl to be so happy that her ex is with someone else? I mean I want him to move on. Okay. Now let's go look at Lacey. I transport over to where Lacey is and she's with her crush and her crushes little sister still. The little sister is laying on the ground feeding the ducks while Chrissy and Lacey hold hands and watch her. It's sweet.

Vincent's View

       When the hour is up, I run away from Elliot and Emmie and go to my house. As soon as I get to my house,I realise I left my phone with Elliot. Shit! I go back to the park and Elliot's gone. Long gone. So is Emmie.

Elliot's View

      I smile at Vincent's phone and immediately unlock it, already knowing that the password is his birthday. I instantly go into his text messages and text Tristan.
Me: Hey.. I don't think we are working out.. I can't be with you anymore. I found someone else. I've been lying to you.


Me: I didn't think you would find out. My feelings for him are just too overwhelming and I can't hold them in anylonger. I didn't have dinner with my parents, I was with Elliot. We had sex. I don't regret it. It was the best I ever had.

Tristan: What the actual fuck Vincent?! Please tell me you are kidding. I cannot take this heartbreak. Lexi died and now you are breaking my heart even more.. I can't do this anymore. Maybe I'm not capable of being loved.

Me: you're right. You aren't capable of being loved. Lexi didn't love you and nor do I. I cannot speak to you anymore.

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