Chapter 14

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Lacey's View

       I walked outside to get some peace and quiet and I walk over to a pond. I like to feed the ducks here when I'm stressed but I don't have bread with me. I sit on the grass and start trying to get a duck to come up to me when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see a goregous girl with brown hair and brown eyes standing above me with a loaf of bread. "I think it would be easier if you had some bread. Would you mind if i sit with you?" She smiled and I shrugged, patting the ground next to me. She sat down and opened up her loaf of bread. "I come here whenever I need to get away. The ducks calm me." She says, tearing up some bread and giving me some for me to throw. "I feel the same." I smile, thanking her for the bread and I throw some towards a duck and it eats it as soon as it hits the ground. "So what's your name?" She asked, throwing some bread. "My name is Lacey. What's yours?" I ask, holding my hand out for more bread. "My name is Chrissy." She smiles and gives me more bread.

Tristan's View

       The next day, I go into the coffee shop around the same time a did yesterday and I see Vincent at the counter. He smiles when he sees me. I walk over to the counter and wave at him. "Nice to see that mystery boy is back. You never told me your name." He smiles. "My name is Tristan." I say, waiting for him to ask me what is my order. " Do you want the same thing you got yesterday?" He asks. "You remember?" I ask, laughing. "Not many people as cute as you come in here,so I memorize orders, hoping they come back." He smiles, entering in my order. I pay for my coffee and stand by the side of the counter so I'm not in the way of people but I can still talk to Vincent. A man that smelt really bad came to the counter and ordered and as soon as he sat down, Vincent came close and whispered in my ear, "he smelt like death. He needs to shower." I burst out laughing as soon as Vincent whispered that and looked at the guy who we were referring to. Vincent then handed me my coffee and he wrote his number on it. "In case if you ever want to talk outside of a coffee shop." He smiles and walks away because his shift is over.

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