Chapter 16

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Tristan's View

         As soon as I got into the house I texted Vincent. "Hey. It's Tristan." I typed into my phone and sent it. I instantly received a text back and it read "Well, finally someone worth talking to messaged me. :)" I laughed at the message and realized that I was standing in front of the door smiling at my phone like a retard. Lacey was giving me a weird look but didn't say anything. I walked into my room and shut the door. I then continued messaging Vincent.

Elliot's View

         After the talk with Lila I was super stressed out. Things have gone to shit lately and I hate it. All I ever really do anymore is lay on my bed and do nothing. I don't have Lacey anymore. I don't even have Lila. Tristan is really distant and then I know no one else. Lila told me she wants to be together but can't. That's what she keeps saying over and over again. It's like a cycle going round and round. It's a tiring and boring cycle that seems impossible to escape.

Lila's View

       I give up! Elliot just can't get it through his think mind! I cannot be with him! I never thought that someone could be so stupid and not hear the words that I'm speaking to him over and over. He doesn't understand! Which makes me so angry because it puts all the stress on me and I cannot take it! I have no one to speak to about it either.

Lacey's View

        I suddenly get a message saying "Hey it's Chrissy. Sorry it took so long. My sister was freaking out on me and then I had to drive her back to my place. But at least I finally get some peace and quiet." I laugh at her message and quickly respond. "Haha. I'm sorry that she gave you such a hard time. What are you doing now?" She takes a few minutes to respond. "Putting my sister to bed. She's trying to argue again but I just put her in my bedroom and tucked her in then shut the door. She's going to come out. It's a routine." I glance at the phone and then message back "How old is your sister?" It takes a little longer for her to respond until she messages back. "She is 6. She basically lives at my house because my mom cannot take care of her to save her life."

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