Chapter 12

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Tristan's View

      After I stormed out,I went to the coffee shop across the street. I need something to get my mind off of everything. I walked in and walked right to the counter, thankful that there was no line. I looked up from the ground to see a 5'1 guy that had green eyes and dyed red hair. He had alittle freckles on his nose too. His name tag read "Vincent" in fancy lettering and he was wearing a black shirt that had the coffee shops name on it. "H-hello.. what is your order..?" He spoke, really softly. "I would just like to have a small cappuccino please." I say, not able to keep my eyes off of him, which made him uncomfortable. I sat at a table while people made my drink and I just sighed. Lexi would be yelling at me for getting coffee right now. Saying that it was bad for me. I would always laugh but she would insist on us getting something else. Suddenly, Tristan brings the cappuccino to me and walks back to the counter. He keeps staring at me. As I am about to get up and leave, he comes over to me and stops me from leaving. "So... Uh.. my shift is over and you look really sad. Would you like to talk about it...?" He asked, awkwardly and obviously afraid of rejection. I need to talk to someone,so I accepted his offer and we sat down at a coffee table. "So, what's wrong?" He asked me. "My girlfriend died and today was her funeral and her best friend and her best friends boyfriend decided to get into a huge fight right in the middle of the funeral and they broke up. They totally ruined the moment that was about my girlfriend and put it on them. Like they always do." I sigh, trying my hardest not to cry or throw something out of anger. Vincent was a really good listener. "If you don't mind me asking... How did she die..?" He asks slowly, trying not to upset me more. I look at him, trying to gather up my thoughts. "She died from blood loss.. it's a long story but she ended up cutting herself so deep and trying to kill herself that she bled to death. She died at the hospital. I didn't get to say goodbye.." I look down at the table, my words full of regret and sadness, trying not to give him too much information. He just gives me a sad look and places his hand on mine, trying to comfort me. I let him. Even though my girlfriend just died,I needed comfort. I still was not ready to move on,but comfort is what I need and I have no one else to do it.

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