Chapter 50

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Emmie's View

          I feel so trapped and I cannot leave the house. I just feel like he's controlling every move I make. He has cameras set up all around the house to make sure I don't go anywhere when he is asleep. I wait hours until Elliot falls asleep. This HAS to end now. I wait in bed with him until I hear him lightly snoring. He's asleep. This is the moment I have been waiting for. First I grab the tools necessary for me to make Elliot's death filled with the same pain he has put on me, such as a staple gun,an array of blades, scissors, and a thick needle and thread. I silently lay out my devices on the bed next to my first victim. Then I load the staple gun, and staple his hands and feet to the bed. He wakes up and yells out in pain, " WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?" I just stare at him with a dark glare. I then grab my scissors, and pry open his mouth, cutting his tongue out with a quick snap. His blood was gushing everywhere, pouring out of his mouth. I quickly grab my sewing supplies and sew his mouth shut, making it to where he chokes on his own blood. "What's wrong, Elliot? I thought you liked this kind of stuff." My neutral expression turned into an evil grin. I snatched up a knife and cut him open from then to his waist, revealing his organs that begin to seep out. I reached for his heart, but his lungs and ribcage was blocking my was. So, I used a saw to cut off his ribs, and my own two hands to rip out his lungs in a slow and painful manner. I look up at Elliot, to see that he's actually crying. What a baby. "Don't you worry now. It'll all be over soon." I grabbed his heart, and crushed it as I ripped it from his already dead corpse. "Finally. I'm free." I laughed, " I'M FREE!" I walk outside for the first time in a long time, with a gun in my hand. I place the gun underneath my chin and immediately pull the trigger.
(Gorey scene by the person who Sora is made up by.)

Sora's View

        Today, Chrissy is forcing me to meet her friends even though she knows I hate talking to people. She made them all meet up at a park with her, including her ex. I don't know how she managed that. When we arrive at the park, I see a group of people sitting next to each other and I hope that that is not where we are going. My hopes are betrayed as Chrissy leads me to the group of people. They all look full of themselves and not my type of people. Chrissy and I have never had the same type of friends. Well, mostly because I don't have friends. I don't trust people enough to become their friend. As we reach the group, all eyes immediately land on me. They are desperately searching for answers as to who I might be. "Everyone, this is my sister." Chrissy announces. I slightly wave at them. I don't want to speak. "Introduce yourselves people!" Chrissy demands. A girl with black hair and a nose piercing stands up and walks over to me. I immediately tense up. She looks like a bitch. "Hello, my name is Lila." She forces a smile and puts her hand out for me to shake but I back away. No way in hell. She walks away and sits back with her friends, not interested in me anylonger. A red haired boy walks up to me with his hand being held by a boy with brown hair. I look them up and down, instantly questioning who the fuck my sister hangs out with. I look at Chrissy and she gives me the "be nice" look. Nice isn't in my personality. I fake a smile at them. "My name is Vincent, and his is Tristan." The red head says, looking me in the eyes. I don't speak and look away, I did not agree with this much eye contact. The girl who I already know is Lacey, just waves at me. "I'm Lacey." She says, not getting up. After everyone introduced themselves, I was very unimpressed except for the fact that my sister was friends with a ghost. But she was too hyper for my liking. Same with Carly. I'll stick to being a loner.

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