Chapter 11

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A few weeks later
Lacey's View
At the funeral

     I walk into the room and I can't bear looking at Lexi's dead body. It's so limp. Elliot came up to me and tried to hold my hand but I pulled away. I haven't talked to him since Lexi cut herself and died. I haven't touched him either. "Lacey, I'm not wanting to do this here, but what is wrong with you? Do you want to break up?!" Elliot raises his voice, his words echoing off the walls. The only ones who came here were the only ones that knew Lexi was alive. The kid was here too. They all looked at us and I was about to open my mouth when Tristan walked up to us. "God damnit Elliot. Of course, you yell at my girlfriend's funeral and cause a scene. Be respectful because Lexi was nothing but nice to you. If you need to talk to Lacey, go outside. I knew you were an asshole but I didn't realize you were this big of one." Tristan glared at Elliot and pointed toward the door for Elliot to leave. I look at Elliot. " Yes. I want to break up. It's over." I say, and walk into the farthest corner of the room away from Elliot. Lila walked over too Elliot and dragged him outside. "Tristan--" I begin to say but he cuts me off. Of course. Her funeral has to be drama filled. I am done with this bullshit. Just put her in the ground without me. You guys are a piece of shit." He said and stormed out.

Lila's View

    Elliot was just avoiding eye contact with me and refused to look anywhere else, but the ground. "Elliot, I'm sorry about what happened.." I say. I grab for his hand and he lets me. For the next 10 minutes, we just sat in silence and held hands. He surprisingly let me hold his hand. He suddenly looked at me and kissed me. I pulled away. "Elliot.. I refuse to be your rebound. You just broke up with Lacey and you don't really have feelings or urges to be with me. They are fake." I tell him and I walk away. I cannot be around him right now. I want to date him but he is still not over Lacey. He just broke up with her. He cannot move on that fast. I won't let him either. I'm not that selfish.

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