Chapter 19

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Lacey's View

             I go to the pond and sit on the ground, waiting for Chrissy. 30 minutes after 3, Chrissy arrives and walks over to me. "I am so so sorry that I am so late!" She says, sitting down next to me. I smile at her. "It's fine. As long as i get to see you its fine. I understand that things happen." I say to her, getting the bread out of my bag and opening it. Chrissy smiles. "Thank you for being understanding. My home life isn't the greatest.." She hugs me. I hug her back and get out a piece of bread and give it to her. She takes it and gives it to the ducks. She looks so tired and has bags under her eyes. "Hey... Did you get any sleep last night?" I ask her. She looks at me and frowns. "Nope. My sister kept having nightmares and she wanted to sleep in my bed with me. She moves alot in her sleep and everytime i would begin to pass out, she would move again and wake me up." She sighs, getting another piece of bread from the bag. "I'm sorry. I wish i could help.. So why exactly can't your mom take care of your sister?" I ask. Chrissy looks down at the ground. "My mom is a alcoholic and a drug addict. She is always out at the bar and always hooking up with drug dealers to get free drugs. My sister hardly ever eats at my moms and my mom beats her. Ever since I moved out my mom was super depressed and went to drugs and alcohol to get an escape, leaving my sister helpless. I have tried to get custody of her but the judges said that she would have to go with our grandparents since my father died. I have a bedroom for my sister at my house and I make sure she gets fed. But sometimes my mother refuses to let me take her." Chrissy explains, her face having no expression, almost numb. 

Lila's View

         Felicity was so beautiful and i feel like i could trust her and tell her everything. I told her that I used to have amnesia. I also told her about Elliot and Stephan. I left out the part of when i died and came back to life... I don't want to freak her out right away. She had a pretty decent life. Of course she had some difficulties but everyone does. She told me that she is lesbian and single. I informed her that I am bisexual and single. She seemed super happy to meet me and she was super positive about everything that I told her. We exchanged numbers and then headed our separate ways. She had to go home. I left the coffee shop and went home and immediately went into my room, hurrying past Elliot's room. I texted Felicity first because I was so obsessed with talking to her. She was so interesting and was like no one i've ever met before. She wasn't quiet. She was outgoing. That's what made me happy because it made me step out of my comfort zone and trust someone that i just met. It was a relief to talk to someone that didn't know what i've gone through and didn't know anyone who I was talking about. When I told Felicity about Elliot, she didn't seem fond of the idea of him. I told her all the things i've done for him and then he left me to be with Lacey. I also told her that now that him and his ex broke up, he is trying to talk me into dating him. She really didn't like that. Felicity responded to the message that i sent to her. The message that i sent her had said "Hey. I'm really glad that i met you and didn't scare you off by me flipping out over me dropping my donut." She responded with "Haha of course you didn't scare me off. Do you want to hang out tomorrow?" I smile at the message because she wants to hang out with me. "Do you want to come over to my house tomorrow and hang out? You already met one of my roomates. Might as well meet the rest." I respond. She takes a few minutes to respond but when she does, I read the message and it says "Sure. I would love to meet the rest of them. Just message me the time and place and I'll be there!"

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