Chapter 24

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Chrissy's View

         I wake up to my sister having her feet on me. I push her feet off of me and glare at her. She wakes up. "Why did you wake me up?" She says, not even caring that she is in MY bed. "Why are you in here again? I do not like feet on me. OR AT ALL!" I sigh, getting off my bed and putting on my slippers and going into the kitchen. She jumps off the bed and follows me. "I had another nightmare." She frowns. I pull out a frozen waffle from the freezer and put it in the toaster. "What was it about?" I ask, sitting on a stool by the island and making her sit next to me. "Mom." She says, terrified. I pull her in a hug and whisper to her. "She cannot get you anymore. I am officially adopting you tomorrow and mom doesn't know where i live." I say, as the waffle pops out of the toaster. I jump off of my stool and grab the waffle from the toaster and put it on a plate. "Sissy, do you have to go to the pond today? I don't want to be alone." She mutters loud enough for me to hear. "Do you want to come with?" I ask her, pouring syrup on the waffle and handing it to her with a fork and a napkin. "Can i?" She smiles. "Yeah. Of course you can. You can meet my friend." I say with a smile on my face. She nods to me and hurries up and eats her waffle and runs to her room to get dressed. I smile and go into my room to get dressed.

Vincent's View

          Tristan walks into my work with a smile on his face. "Hello handsome." He says. I just look down on the counter but try not to look bothered. "Hey." I say, turning around to make his coffee. Tristan sits down on a stool by the counter and looks at me. "Are you okay?" he asks, concerned. "Yeah. I can't hang out with you after work today though.. I have to do something." I say, avoiding eye contact with him. "Do what?" He asks, intrigued. "I promised my parents i would have dinner with them." I lie. It hurts to lie to him. "Don't your parents not like you because of your sexuality?" He asks. I sigh, forgetting that I told him that. "Uh yeah but they just want to see me for a little bit." I say, handing him his coffee, still avoiding eye contact. He looks at me confused but just nods. 

Few hours later (After work)

         Tristan hugs me goodbye and we go opposite ways. I go over to Elliot and I's old spot and sit there, waiting for him. Elliot comes down the alley and smiles at me. "Hey handsome." He winks. I look at him confused but don't say anything. He sits right next to me and scoots in close. I scoot farther away but he keeps scooting closer so i just give up. He then looks at me. "So, i was thinking.. Let me take you on a date. I miss you." He smiles. "No." I say, standing up. He glares at me. "Do it or else i hurt Tristan. Tristan trusts me. It would be easy." Elliot threatens. I sigh. "Fine. Only an hour and at a private place." I say, regretting my words.

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