Chapter 45

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Sora's View

      I hate my past. A simple word can trigger a tragic memory and make me feel like the whole world is crashing down on me once again. Chrissy wasn't as affected as I was, considering I was born before her. My birth made my mother go off the deep end and start drinking and drinking. My father couldn't help her. He stupidly thought maybe another kid would help. He didn't realize that my mother had tried to kill me multiple times. Once by putting me in the dryer, once by trying to drown me, and another time by leaving me in a heated car, unattended when I was a month old. After Chrissy was born, my mother adored her more than she adored me and stopped abusing me when she came along. Until Chrissy turned 4, my mother decided that she only liked babies and she started making us have daily beatings. She used something different daily. I still have scars. I leave my scars to be seen on my back because I wanted to be reminded about how terrible of a mother I had. I wanted to be reminded to never be like her. She would purposely sit me on the counter and cut me on my arms daily. When I went to school, people thought I cut myself. Chrissy's scars are on her legs and stomach. My mother would light a knife on fire and stick it on her stomach repeatedly. She wouldn't do that to me though. She preferred to sandpaper my skin on my back. She loved it. Her joy was taken out on beating us. Our father never knew because he was always at work. He decided he then wanted another kid.

     When Natalie was born, I went into protection mode. I wouldn't let my mom hurt her. My father died soon after Nats birth and Chrissy and I eventually moved out and Nat got beat because Chrissy and I weren't there. I will never forgive myself for that because I know that it was my fault. I grabbed a cigarette out of my pocket and a lighter out of the other and light the cigarette. I start smoking it and start walking to a park that was near Chrissy's house. I've never been on this side of town before so it's different. Suddenly a loud noise distracted me from my thoughts. I look and see that 2 guys are cat calling me. I flip them off. "I'm not a dog, assholes!" I yell, continuing to smoke, not even caring what their reaction is. I hate guys flirting with me. I don't want a relationship, nor do I need one. Guys just slow down your thought process and distract you from important things going on in life. They also think they are superior to women. Little do they know, I could kick their ass in a fight in just a second. Wouldn't even take a full minute. Guys are weaklings and useless to earth.

Vincent's View

        I get in my car and drive over to where Lexi told me that Tristan was. As soon as I get there, Tristan spots me and glares at Lexi. I get out of the car. "Why the hell did you tell him?!" Tristan yells at Lexi. Lexi shrugs like it's no big deal. Tristan looks at me. "I am not getting in the car with you." He says and then looks back at Lexi, who continues to shrug whenever he looks at her. "Tristan, please. I love you." I plead, about to grab Tristan's hand when he pulls it away from me. Lexi stands there, intrigued as always. Did she always love drama? Or just when she's dead?

Hold On To Me.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora