Chapter 58

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Sora's View

        Its been over a week and Chrissy and Lizzie have not left me alone. Just because i cut once... okay maybe I've cut in the past... and tried to overdose on alcohol and die.. but they dont know that part. Chrissy has hid all of the knifes in the house and she took away my razors. She also doesn't let me shave without her in there. I think she is going too overboard on that. She doesn't care though. She hasnt hid the alcohol, so ive been drinking that when she isnt home. I have to harm myself some way... I also try to overdose on the pills in the kitchen. I cant get far with that though because she uses all of that medicine. Natalie has no clue on what is going on. She just thinks Chrissy has gone insane, but she isn't wrong.

Laceys View

      Since chrissy and I have been back together, she hasnt really talked to me. It's quite confusing, actually. I mean, i dont get why she wanted to get back together if she didnt actually want to get back together. I love her, but i cant be with someone who never talks to me. I really dont think that we were meant to be. No matter how hard we try, it doesnt work out. Our schedules dont correlate and we never see eachother. It makes me emotional and depressed, but i cant stay with her.  I actually dont even want to be with anyone. Everyone i try to be with always breaks my heart and im tired of being heart broken.  Everyone would be emotional if i wasnt here, but isnt love supposed to keep you living? Without love, what are you? What is life if you dont have love? Whats the point of life? You can die from a broken heart, but what if you are so broken hearted that you want to kill yourself? It hurts to think that way, but i dont want to live anymore...

     I run the bathtub until it's over flowing.  I stay in my clothes and dont get undressed because i dont want whoever that finds me to find me naked. I get into the tub and and slide down, joining as one with the water.

Lila's View

       I get into the house and set my purse on the kitchen counter. I walk upstairs and immediately go into my room. A few hours later, i hear a scream.  I run over to where the scream came from,  and it came from the bathroom.  Felicity is standing in the doorway of the bathroom with her phone in her hand, dialing a number.  I look over her shoulder and see Lacey in the tub, lifeless. I immediately put my hand over my mouth in shock, there was no signs that she would do this. Felicity was on the phone with 911 and when she got off of the phone,  she burst out into tears and cried on my shoulder. I cried with her and we stood there like that for 10 minutes, even as the ambulance came and took Laceys lifeless body away. I walked into Laceys room and called Chrissy.  I didn't have Chrissys number.

Chrissy: Hello?
Lila: Hey... its Lila.
Chrissy: Lila? Why do you have Laceys phone?
Lila: I gotta tell you this in person.. meet me at the Center Fort Hospital asap.
Chrissy: Is Lacey okay?!
Lila: Just get there. *hangs up*

Chrissy's View

         I rush to the hospital, almost getting in two accidents.  As soon as i get to the hospital, i run into the waiting room and see Felicity and Lila. They are both super pale and their eyes were tired and mascara ran down their faces. I ran over to them and Lila looks at me sadly. When Lila tells me everything that happened, i stare at her in disbelief,  believing that its my fault because i haven't talked to her in awhile. I stare at the floor, blankly.  The words "shes dead" repeat over and over in my head. My thoughts are scrambled and cluttered.  I couldnt look at anyone. Everyone i looked at,  i saw Lacey. Imagining what Lila and Felicity saw makes my head pound. Laceys lifeless body in a bathtub. Lacey is dead. Lacey is dead.  Lacey is truely gone. Lacey is truely dead.

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