Power Tower

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At the City Power Tower, (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby are what appear to be lifting weights, but they're actually holding ping pong paddles, because they're playing. "Ping pong!" (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby said. They start playing with Muscle Man and Hi-Five Ghost. "I got it!" Fives its it with his paddle. "Nice!" Muscle Man said. Mordecai hits it with his paddle, then Muscle Man hits it with his paddle, then Rigby hits it with his paddle. "Oh, Rigby..." Mordecai said. Muscle Man tries to hit it, but missed it. "Aw, come on!" Muscle Man shouted. "You gotta go long with the ping pong!" (Y/n) said,

and the gang laugh. "Ping pong! Ping pong! Ping pong! Ping Pong!" They laugh again. A muscular man named Dale hears them, drops the weights, wipes his face with a towel, and throws the towel on Muscle Man's face. "Hey!" (Y/n) snaps, glaring at the man. "Augh! What's your problem, bro?" Muscle Man asked. "Muscle Man?" Dale asked. "Oh. Hey, Dale." Muscle Man said. "Muscle Man, you know this guy?" Mordecai asked. "Yeah, he knows me. We used to be in bodybuilding contests together." Dale said. "Really?" Rigby asked. "Yeah, he used to be hot stuff. Now he's just a hot mess! And we don't allow hot messes like you guys to play ping pong in our gym, so get outta here!" Dale said. "Well, last time I checked this is a free country, so..."

(Y/n) began, and her friends snicker. Dale picks up the Ping pong ball, placed it on his chest, and destroys it with his abs. "Hey!" (Y/n) shouted, angrily about to charge at him for that, but Mordecai and Rigby quickly grab an arm of hers and hold her back. "No, (Y/n), relax!" Rigby shouted, trying to pull her back along with Mordecai, with Muscle Man watching with concern. "He's right, bro, you should really-" but Dale scoffs. "Ha! Had no idea you were the type to hang around weaklings, Muscle Man." He said. "Hey!" Rigby shouted, glaring at him. "What do you mean?" Mordecai asked.

"What're you hanging around this little girl for? As far as I know, this is a gym for men, not little girls." Dale said, and this angered the trio. "Little?! I'm 25!" (Y/n) shouted angrily. "You leave us alone, Dale!" Muscle Man throws the towel on Dale's face. "I wouldn't go talking crap about (Y/n) like that! She may be a chick, but she's probably stronger than all of us here! Even you!" Muscle Man snapped,

glaring daggers at him and Dale growls. "What, that rodent? Ha! I highly doubt it." Dale said. "You're just saying that because you haven't even see her fight!" Rigby snapped. "Yeah, we've seen her beat up multiple people! In fact, she would have beat you up if we didn't hold her back! And maybe next time we won't!" Mordecai glares at him, crossing his arms. Dale growls. "Her? Beat me? You two must be dreaming.

Good luck with these idiots!" (Y/n) got up in his face this time. "Say that again about my friends, and you're gonna regret it!" (Y/n) growled. "Oh yeah?" Dale asked, looking like he was about to attack her, and at this the trio panicked. Muscle Man quickly steps in front of her. "Touch her, and you'll wish you were never born, Dale!" Muscle Man shouted furiously. Dale growls. "What? Do you think you're tough now, bro? Look at you. You don't even deserve to be called Muscle Man no more, Mitch." Dale said. "Nobody calls me that except for my girlfriend, and also the guy at the airport who checks my driver's license, but that's besides the point, I've got more muscles now than you'll ever have." Muscle Man said. "Oh yeah?! Okay, then, the Power Tower Biceptennial is this weekend." Dale points at the poster.

"It's the biggest bodybuilding contest around. If you can beat me, then you, your little girlfriend here and your little ping pong posse can come here and play whenever you want. But until that day, I don't wanna to see any of your faces anywhere near the Power Tower! Do I make myself clear?!" Dale asked. "First off, (Y/n) is NOT my girlfriend, Starla is, she's just a friend! And second, you're clear alright. You're clearly gonna lose to me at the Biceptennial, and me and my friends are gonna play ping pong here whenever we want!" Muscle Man shouted.

Later, the gang are at his trailer at the park. "Dude, you don't have to do this, you know." (Y/n) said. "Dude, that guy is super ripped. There's no way you can beat him." Rigby said. "I thought the whole reason you were called Muscle Man was to be ironic, anyways." Mordecai said. "Yeah, 'cause you're so out of shape, you know." Rigby said. "Guys!" (Y/n) scolded. "Hmm. How's this for out-of-shape?" Muscle Man hands (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby a picture of himself with muscles at the Biceptenial. "Wooaahh...." The trio said. "Man, you weren't kidding." Rigby said. "Yeah, bros. Back then, I was the real deal. I was the Muscle Man." Muscle Man said.

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