Video 101

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At a college known as "'City College',  Eileen is shown passing all her advanced classes. She is then shown "Video 101". "So for your final project, I thought we'd do something fun - a music video!" The class cheers except for Eileen, who is unsure. "Projects are due at the end of the week. Good luck!" Mr. Murphy said. Everyone leaves, then Eileen walks up to Mr. Murphy's desk.

"Um, Mr. Murphy, what exactly are you looking for in the assignment? I wanna do a good job so I can pass the class." Eileen said. "Don't ask me what I'm looking for, Eileen, ask you what you're looking for, in here. Because making a good film takes more than what you have up here." Mr. Murphy said.

"No way, name me one remake that's better than the original." Mordecai said to (Y/n) later at the coffee shop. "Uh, hello, obviously "Summer Camp Slashdown"? The original was totally shot in some guy's backyard." (Y/n) said. "What? That was a prequel, not a remake." Mordecai said. "Your face is a remake." (Y/n) said. "Ohhh... burned!" Rigby said. "That doesn't even make sense." Mordecai said. Eileen runs up to the gang. "Hey, guys. Refills? Refills?" She asked.

"Eileen, that's the third time you topped us off." Mordecai said. "Yeah, what gives?" Rigby asked. "Are you okay?" (Y/n) asked her worriedly. "Well, there's kind of this favor I wanted to ask you guys. Look, I gotta make a music video for my introductory filmmaking class, which I only took because It's required to graduate. But I don't know the first thing about this kind of stuff. You guys are so creative! Can you help me?" Eileen asked. "Of course! That sounds fun!" (Y/n) said.

"Can we be in it?" Rigby asked. "Sure!" Eileen said. "Aw, yeah, we can help!" Rigby said. "Yeah, we watch tons of music videos. We know all about this stuff." Mordecai said. "Well, super. I'm so glad you guys are up for it. I figured this kind of thing was up in your alley anyway." Eileen said. "Psht!" Mordecai and Rigby said. "You'll be getting an automatic A with us helping you out." (Y/n) said.

"Automatic A!" Mordecai said. The trio start rapping. "Automatic A, gonna blow your class away, automatic A, let the teacher say hey!" They laugh. Later at the park, Eileen puts down the film camera gear and the trio are set up for the music video. "Alright. I may not know much about music videos, but from what I gathered, the coolest ones have dancing in them. And it just so happens I've put together a little routine." Eileen turns on the music. "So follow my lead. Five, six, seven, eight!" Everyone follows along. "Step, step, reach, and up!" Eileen said.

(Y/n) screws up and falls down. "Aw, man!" She said. "No, you're getting it! Keep going!" Eileen said. They kept going, which Eileen applauded to. Next Mordecai made a mistake, then immediately corrects it. Then Eileen gave him a thumbs up. "Okay now, step to your left. Arm, arm, jump!" Rigby messes up. "Left! Left!" Eileen said. "Oh, the other left." Rigby said. "There's only one left, Rigby." (Y/n) said. "I got it! I got it!" They continued dancing. "Wait, you're gonna film here?" Mordecai asked.

Eileen opens up her camera screen. "Yeah, why?" She asked. "The park's just..." Mordecai said. "So boring!" Rigby said. "I like the park! There's a simple charm." Eileen said. "I guess. But wouldn't it be cooler on, I don't know, a mountain top?" Mordecai asked. "A mountain top?" (Y/n) asked, raising an eyebrow. "Or on the back of a moving truck?" Rigby asked. "That's dangerous." (Y/n) said. "Or both at once?" Mordecai asked. "And it's on fire!" Rigby iImitates the sound of a fire. "We'd still do your dance. Just in front of something awesome. Either way it's totally up to you." Mordecai said.

"Yeah, do what you want, Eileen, this is your project." (Y/n) said. "Well..." she replied. Later the group are on top of a mountain. "Woah, you guys were right! What an impressive vista." Eileen said. "Yeah. Good call, guys!" (Y/n) said. "Good call is what I'm all about." Rigby said. "Like that good call you made when you ate that sandwich off a sidewalk?" (Y/n) asked. "Hey, the sidewalk adds flavor." Rigby said. "Alright, places!" Eileen presses the record button on the camera,

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