Skips' Story

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(Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby are on the house roof with Skips. They are roofing the house together.

(Song: Roofing by (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby)

♪Roofing, roofing

Protect from the elements, rain, snow and hail

Got an armful of tiles, and a nail gun that nails

No time to mingle when we're putting down shingles!


Skips checks his watch. "Alright, fellas. Time for lunch." He said. Skips digs into his cooler. "Ok, got one for Mordo." He tosses a sandwich to him. "One for (Y/n)." Skips tosses her a sandwich next. "Rigby, think fast!" He tosses a burrito at Rigby, but instead of catching it, it only hits Rigby in the face. "No!" The burrito plummets to the ground, its contents splattering all over the place. (Y/n) and Mordecai laugh. "Should've gone for it, dude." Mordecai said. "Awww! If I was immortal like Skips, I would've gone for it." Rigby said. "Yeah that would be awesome." (Y/n) said. Skips hands over a sandwich to Rigby. "Being immortal must rule, right, Skips?" Rigby asked.

"Nah, not really." Skips replied. "Wait, really? How is it not cool? You get to live forever dude! You got forever on your side and nothing can stop you!" (Y/n) said dramatically, and Skips chuckles. "I bet you could survive the vacuum of space though." Mordecai said. "Gotta breathe. Being immortal doesn't change that." Skips said. "Ooh ooh, I got one! Swimming one hour after eating." Rigby said.

"That has never killed me." Skips said. "Wow." Mordecai & Rigby said, and (Y/n) only scoffs a little. "Well duh, if you're immortal then nothing can kill you, right?" (Y/n) asked. Skips eyes her for a moment. "Okay, okay. If somebody cut off your head, put it into a jar..." Mordecai said. "Look fellas, you got this immortally thing all wrong." Skips said. "Hey, how did you become immortal anyway?" (Y/n) asked, curiosity in her eyes as she looks at her friend. "Nah, you don't wanna hear that." Skips said. He drinks a soda. "Awwwwww!" The trio said in disappointment. "Come on, please?" (Y/n) begs, throwing in her puppy eyes. "Yeah, please?" Rigby asked. The trio begin to badger Skips until he finally gives in. "Alright. I'll tell you how I got my immortality." Skips said. The trio high five each other. "Yeah-yuh!" They said. "A long time ago, in a high school far, far away..."


A sign out front labels a school as Bennett High School. A few students are seen milling around out front, and a voice is heard addressing someone inside. "Mister Walks." Headmaster Bennett said. A young Skips, named Walks is seen sitting in a chair, looking bored. "According to your permanent record, you've been expelled from three schools this year alone. And this was due to," Bennett lowers the permanent record folder. "Fighting and pugilistic tendencies?!"

He glares at Walks, who looks down at his nails, disinterested. "Yeah, I might have done some of that." He said. "Well, one fight at my school, Mister Walks, and that means expulsion." Bennett said. Walks puts his hands up to his face, pretending to be afraid. "Ooooh! School's worthless to an adventurer such as me!" He said. Bennett pulls himself up out of his seat. "This is your last chance to graduate, Walks. Do you wish to remain a scoundrel or better yourself? Gareth!" A young Gary opens the door, causing Walks to turn his head. "Yes, Headmaster Bennett?" Gary asked. "Show Walks to his locker." Walks is shown kicking open the door on his way out, which Garreth gently shuts behind him. "I don't need your help, Gareth.

I can find my own way around." Walks said. Gary runs to catch up with Walks. "Wait! Walks, I cast no doubts upon your navigation skills, oh great adventurer!" Walks rolls his eyes. "But do you know how to navigate socially?" He asked. They burst through a set of doors, Walks exclaiming a loud 'Woah!' at what he sees before him. "Walks, follow me." They begin to walk around as Garreth points out everything. "Over here we have the athletes and cheer directors. " A group of people are seen standing around with props. There is even a guy dressed up as a dodo bird.

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