Expert or Liar

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Rigby is starting to pull weeds with (Y/n). "Pulling weeds is the worst. Who planted these weeds next to the flowers, anyway?" Rigby asked. "I don't know, let's just get this over with." (Y/n) said, as she was helping him. "Excuse me, young man and lady. Are you responsible for this beautiful garden?" An old woman asked. "Pfft, yeah." Rigby said. "You must know a lot about flowers. Are you experts?" She asked.

"Uh..." (Y/n) said. "We're totally experts!" Rigby said, and (Y/n) whacks him over the head angrily. "Ow!" He glares at her. "We got experts!" The 'old lady' said in a low male voice. Cameramen come out from the bushes. "What the—" Rigby said. "What's going on here?" (Y/n) asked in surprise. Cameramen point cameras at Rigby and (Y/n). The old women unzips her costume, revealing a young man in disguise.

The man kicks away the costume and eagerly begins talking. "Yeah, that's right! I'm Bert Coleman, host of TV's hit game show: Expert or Liar! Each week I disguise myself and question people on the street to see who's an:" Text comes up on the screen, along with people shouting the words 'Expert or Liar' "oh no..." (Y/n) whispers. Later everybody is sitting around, watching Rigby's and (Y/n)'s debut on TV. Everyone appears to be excited, except for Rigby and (Y/n), that is.

"Aw, I've been waiting for this!" Muscle Man said. "Now, Rigby, you're claiming you and your girlfriend here to be experts on flowers; well, we've got ten flower-related questions for you two. Answer each one correctly and you're an expert! But get just one question wrong and the world will know you're big fat liars! First question: what color are violets?" He holds the microphone in front of Rigby's face.

Thomas felt a pang of jealousy when Bert called (Y/n) Rigby's girlfriend, but tried his best to ignore it. "Dude, seriously? What gives you people the right to ambush others out of nowhere when they're just minding their own business? And do you really think that people enjoy having microphones shoved into their faces?! Because I don't think so!" (Y/n) snapped, and everyone's jaw dropped.

Sure, (Y/n) was snarky and usually gave others sassy comebacks, but her sass was usually playful and she wouldn't usually use it to hurt others unless they deserved it, but still, they hadn't excepted something like this from her. "Well, I can't speak for everyone, but I do know that they prefer that over having your foot shoved in your mouth." Everyone gasped at this. "Damn!" Muscle Man said, still in shock. "Uncool." Thomas shakes his head in disbelief. "Hey, back off!" Rigby shouted. "She has a point you know. I'll gladly answer your question if it means you'll get off her back!" Rigby snapped. "The answer's red, easy!" Rigby said.

"That is... incorrect!" Bert Coleman points at Rigby. "You are a liar!" The word 'Liar' appears on screen in big red letters. Next they approach (Y/n). "Now it's your turn, What is the world's most common plant?" Bert Coleman asked. "A Bracken." (Y/n) replied, and the crew looked surprised. "That is... correct. What is the first flower that blooms in the spring?" Bert Coleman asked. "Snowdrops." (Y/n) said. Bert Coleman shares a glance with two other host members.

"The lotus flower can only come in variations and hues of these two colors?" Bert Coleman asked. "Pink and white." (Y/n) said. "What is the most expensive flower ever sold?" "The Juliet Rose." (Y/n) said. "How the heck do you know so much about planets?" Mordecai asked her. Bert Coleman looks stunned at first, but then he smirks, and Rigby and (Y/n) share a glance of suspicion.

"What is the rarest flower in the world?" (Y/n) looks confused, thinking hard about the question. "Uh... um..." she looks around nervously, then back at Bert Coleman. "It's..." she thought about it for a little longer. She then sighs in defeat. "That I don't know." She admitted. "So you're not an expert." Bert said. "No, I'm not!" She shouted angrily. "You are a liar!" The word 'Liar' appears on screen in big red letters.

Everyone looks at (Y/n) with a trace of concern as she quickly covers her face with her paws in embarrassment. A person working for the show puts a cardboard sign over Rigby, which of course says 'Liar.' Then does the same to (Y/n). You make me sick, liars!" He punches Rigby, causing him to fall to the ground, then punches (Y/n), and this angered everyone. Bert Coleman then bends down so he is at the same height level as the helpless raccoon and chipmunk.

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