Tent Trouble

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At Pops' house early in the morning, Anna and Eileen are giving (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby, who are sleeping, some stuff. "Here are the hotdogs and some more supplies, tarp, extra stakes..." Anna said. "First aid kit, length of rope, and hank-crank radio for emergencies." Elieen said. "And here's the regular radio." Anna said. (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby groan tiredly. "C'mon you guys, camping! Get excited." Anna said.

"I know it's early, but if we do this now, you can have the campsite set up by the time Anna and I get off work." Eileen said. (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby are sleeping while holding the supplies. Anna clasps her hands loudly, waking them up. "Just focus for a sec" Anna points. "There's the sleeping bags and the cooler. There's my new tent." She said. "Woah. You got the "Camp Champ Deluxe"?" Mordecai asked. "Yeah. When I found out you guys liked camping, I decided to splurge on it. It's so awesome. All you have to do is unzip it and it pitches itself." Anna said. "Nice." Anna kisses Mordecai on the cheek.

Eileen just watches Rigby drooling before walking away. Anna and Eileen walk over to Eileen's car. "See you guys up there." They drive off. "Dudes, hit the snooze button." Rigby said. "Aww! C'mon, let's get this stuff in the cart." (Y/n) starts driving the golf cart backwards to get the stuff on it. Rigby is leading her. "You're good. You're good. You're good. You're good. You're good." (Y/n) accidentally runs over Anna's tent. "Bad! You're bad!" Rigby shouted. "What?" (Y/n) asked. "Too far! Pull up!" Rigby shouted. She pulls up, ripping the tent. "Aaah! No!" Rigby shouted. "Back more?" (Y/n) asked. She goes back more. "Gah! Forward! Forward!" Rigby shouted. A tent pole snaps as she moves forward, off the tent. (Y/n) comes out. "Ugh! I don't know what you're trying to say.

"Gah! Anna's tent!" She picks up the now damaged tent. "Dudes, she said it was brand new and now it's totally wrecked! We gotta fix this." (Y/n) said. "Just throw it in the trash and say someone stole it. Do we even need a tent?" Rigby asked, and (Y/n) punches him. "Aww!" Rigby said. "It's not just about needing a tent. It's that it's Anna's tent. She'd be really bummed if she found out we broke it.

We have to replace it." Mordecai said. "You're right, you're right. We should replace the tent. But we have to get breakfast tacos, right?" Mordecai and (Y/n) walk off, and Rigby follows. "Drive-through?" (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby go to Outdoorz & Morez, a camping shop. Mordecai talks to an employee. "Hey, uhh, we want a non-crushed version of this, please." He said, referring to the wrecked tent. "Oh yeah, you want the Camp Champ Deluxe. It's right over there."

There is a model of the set-up tent, plus 3 boxes of it. The price shown is $20 on special, but it shows $200 near the boxes. They see the"$20 on special" sign. "20 bucks? Oh, good. I thought it was gonna be like 200 dollars." Mordecai said. "Wait, 20 bucks? There's no way the tent can be that-" The "On Special" signs falls. The real price is $200.00. "Cheap..." (Y/n) said. "$200?!" Mordecai asked.

"Yeah, I know, it's a pretty big rip-off. Doesn't even fit one person." The salesman said. "I don't have $200." (Y/n) said. "Come on, can't you give (Y/n) a discount? She ran over her sister's tent." Rigby said, and (Y/n) slaps him. "Ow!" "Yeah...I'll be in the Trail Mix aisle if you need me." He grabs trail mix from the aisle and eats. Rigby turns to (Y/n). "Can't you just say you're really sorry? She's your sister, she'd understand." Rigby said. "You don't understand, Anna has a serious temper when she's angry, trust me, you do not want to get caught up in that." (Y/n) said. "Huh, sounds like a certain someone else I know." Rigby said, and (Y/n) once again slaps him. "Ow!" (Y/n) walks off. At Pops' house,

Benson is in his office. Someone knocks on his door. "Yeah?" (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby come inside. "Hey, Benson." Mordecai said. "What is it?" Benson asked, not looking up. "We just realized that you need somebody to trim the hedges 'cause they're lookin' pretty shabby." Mordecai said. "Wicked shabby!" Rigby said. "Yeah, they look really bad. We also just noticed that we need $200.

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