Saving Time

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(Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby are walking into their room. "So he thinks the doctor can sew it back on?" Rigby asked. "Yeah, Muscle Man thinks so. He said it happened to his brother, too." Mordecai said. Rigby whistles. "Man, he's lucky." He said. "Tell me about it. Anyway, it's getting pretty late; I'm gonna call it. Good night guys." (Y/n) said, she opens her door and is about to leave, until... a soda is heard being opened, and she turns to see Rigby drinking it. "Are you seriously drinking a soda right now?"

(Y/n) asked in slight disappointment, and Rigby burps. "Yeah, you want one?" He asked. "Dude, what? We'll be up all night and we have to work tomorrow." Mordecai said. "Exactly." (Y/n) said. "Nah, don't you watch the news? It's Daylight Savings tonight." Rigby said. "So?" (Y/n) asked. "So, the clocks get set back an hour and we get to sleep in tomorrow morning!" Rigby said. "Oh, yeah. Well, in that case: Soda me, broda me!" Mordecai said, and Rigby throws him a soda. "Want one, (Y/n)?" Rigby asked. "Uh... no thanks. Good night guys." (Y/n) said, before leaving their room. "Goodnight!" Rigby calls after her. "Night." Mordecai said.

The duo then start rapping. "WHOO! Have a ball, baby. Let the party begin, it's Daylight Saving's when we get to sleep in!" They rapped. They open their sodas, spraying each other. The next morning. Mordecai and Rigby are walking to their designated area. "Dude, I feel so rested." Mordecai said. "Me, too. Man, I wish every day was daylight savings." Rigby said. They walk to the house where a meeting is taking place. "Well, look who decided to show up. An hour late." Benson said, and Mordecai and Rigby laugh. "They don't know. I guess you guys haven't heard of a little something called Daylight Savings." Rigby said. The others don't say anything.

"Haha, yeah. Technically, you guys showed up an hour early." Mordecai said, and Rigby laughs. Benson mocks Rigby's laughter. "Technically, Daylight Savings isn't until tonight." He said, and (Y/n) face palms. "Boys..." she said quietly. "Really? Huh." Rigby said. "Oops." Mordecai said. "Whatever, dude; it's just an hour." Rigby said. "Oh, is it? Well, I guess you won't care that it's an hour you aren't getting paid for." Benson said. "Aw, what?" Mordecai and Rigby asked,

and (Y/n) snickers, causing the duo to glare at her for a moment. "C'mon Benson, what's the big deal?" Mordecai asked. "Being on time is the big deal. This is a business we're trying to run. If everyone showed up late like you two, this whole park would fall apart." Benson said. "He's got a point, guys." (Y/n) crosses her arms. "It was an honest mistake, Benson. It's not like you've never been late to work." Mordecai said. "Actually, I haven't. Because, unlike you two, I take my job seriously. And since you're having so much trouble keeping track of time, you can be in charge of setting the clocks back for the real Daylight Savings Time." Benson said. "Ugh, fine. Come on Rigby, let's get this over with.

(Y/n), you gonna help us out?" Mordecai asked, and she snorts. "You two brought this upon yourselves, good luck." (Y/n) said, and the rest of the park gang laugh a little. Rigby huffs. "What the heck, (Y/n)? Uncool." Rigby said. "Whatever, let's just go." Mordecai said. They begin to walk off. "Hold it, not yet. You're gonna do it when the rest of the world does it: at two in the morning." Benson said, at this (Y/n) laughs. "Good luck with that!" She said. "What? That doesn't even make any sense. What does it matter if everyone's on the same time?" Mordecai asked.

"Yeah, what difference does it make?" Rigby asked. "Are you seriously making me defend the right time? You either set the park clocks back at two in the morning like everyone else, or you're fired!" Benson shouted. Later (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby are playing video games. "Dudes, what time is it?" Mordecai asked. "It's 10 o' clock. That's like 4 more hours!" Rigby said. The duo drink soda. "I still can't believe Benson is making us wait until 2 to set the clocks back." Mordecai said. "I know! How does it even matter if the clocks are set to exactly the right time?" Rigby asked.

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