I Like You Hi

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Mordecai looks at photo booth pictures of him and (Y/n) in his room. While Mordecai stares at the pictures, a ringing is heard. (Y/n)'s sister Anna is riding a tandem bike. "Hey, Mordo! You comin'? The back of this bike is not going to ride itself!" She shouted. "Comin'!" Mordecai runs out of his room. Mordecai and Anna do different activities. Mordecai and Anna are first riding the tandem bike. Second, they're seen rollerskating. Anna makes Mordecai look away so she can get ahead of him. Third, they go to the Community College to paint pictures.

They both draw each other very poorly, and they laugh it off. Fourth, they go to a restaurant called Nesbit's Burgers & Bits. They order a burger with many different condiments; including a slice of pizza, a couple scoops of ice cream, and several gummy worms. Mordecai and Anna both take a bite on the count of three. They immediately spit it out because of the horrible taste, and they laugh it off.

Lastly, they're doing donuts in the golf cart. Mordecai and Anna are walking on a dirt path in the park. "This day was awesome!" Mordecai said. "Yeah. I had a good time." Anna said. "Do you want to come and watch X-Treme Barista with me, (Y/n), and Rigby?" Mordecai asked. "I can't. I gotta go to work. But I'll be able to watch it there. Hey, text me, and it will be like we're watching it at the same time." Anna said. "Heh. Phones are awesome." Mordecai said. "Yeah, they are! Alright, I gotta go. Gimme a hug, you loser." Mordecai and Anna give each other a hug. "Later." Mordecai said. "See ya." Anna said.

~Time Skip~

The trio are now watching tv together. "Today, on X-Treme Barista, K-K-K-Kid Crunchy Z!" The announcer said. "Yo, yo, yo! I ain't come to here to make friends, I came here to make blends, dawg! So Yuji better watch what's up!" Kid Crunchy Z said. "Yo, you see that? Well these three golden barista awards prove that Yuji is number one! So what's he gotta say to that?!" Yuji said. "Man, Yuji is gonna French press this guy!" Rigby said excitedly. "Pfft!" Modecai is on his phone texting Anna.

He writes "Are you watching xtreme barista? hilarious!" While doing so, he says exactly what he's writing. Mordecai pushes "SEND", and the message is sent. Anna responds by saying "Haha yes! So bad it's good!" "Haha. "So bad, it's good." She's so funny." Mordecai said.  tv. "One minute begins now. He's adding an energy drink!" Kid Crunchy Z is seen adding a can of "Thunder Jolto" in a pan. "Haha." Modecai said. "Ugh! All you do is text Anna. Just tell her you like her and quit Mordecaing." (Y/n) said. "Mordecaing? You made me a verb?" Mordecai asked. Rigby snickers, then grunts wimpishly, while shaking his arms.

"I'm Mordecai, I never make a move," Rigby looks at his paws. "And I don't know what to do with my hands". You've been doing this for years." He said. "I'm not like that with Anna!" Mordecai said. "So how come you aren't dating yet?" Rigby asked. "'Cause we're just friends. Not every girl I hang out with has to be a potential girlfriend." Mordecai said. "Shut your excuse hole! Yuji's on." Yuji is adding swan-shaped foam into a cup of coffee. "Ain't nobody can make a swan-esspresso like Yuji can!" Yuji goes to an athlete. "Care for a sip?"

The athlete leans in, but Yuji swipes away. "You don't drink from the cup! You drink from the sky!" He throws coffee in the air, pulls out a gun and shoots it. "Still warm." He said. "Wow!" Rigby said. "Hahaha." Modecai looks at his phone and reads. "Cappuccino he di-dnt!" He types "I like Yuji". "Uh-oh!" The announcer said. His text Auto corrects to "you hi" cops are next to Yuji. "Is this some kind of Yuji psyche?!" Yuji releases himself and goes to the camera.

"Yuji will return, yo! Buy my book, suckers!" The cops beat him down. "Hahahahaha." In slow motion, Rigby cries "Yuji!" and Mordecai continues laughing as he sends the message. He looks down and sees it. "Whaaa?! No, no, no! Cancel, cancel, cancel!" The message is sent, and Mordecai groans. "Ugh, what now? My favorite barista probably has rabies and you're—Woah. What happened?" Rigby asked.

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