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Rimuru's POV

As we entered the cathedral from the back door, we didn't meet anyone. Once we had reached the main hall, there were a few priests praying in front of a statue.

We both waited for some time, but they didn't seem to be moving. Looks like they are too engrossed in their prayers. Even though we are using illusion magic to hide ourselves, of we were to pass through the portal connecting the two worlds, v we will most definitely be noticed.

"You see that?" Rovel asked as he pointed towards the statue that the priests were praying to.

"That statue is not a normal statue. It can move around. People call it the Goddess's Avatar."

"It can move? I don't feel any mana fluctuations from it."
"I know. Even I don't understand how, but it can move. Not only that, it can freely change all the materials on its body. Right now, the statue might be made of stone, but it can suddenly turn into statue made of metal. I have no idea how that happens without any magicules." Rovel said.


I make my way towards the statue. I look around and find nothing out of the ordinary. It was just a normal statue. I tried to gauge it with my with my aura and find nothing. My aura was unable to detect what was inside statue.

It was being protected by some other God's aura. If I try to forcefully see what is inside, I will most certainly alert the owner of this statue.

Just as I was thinking about what to do, the priests stood up, bowed and then left the room.

"What now?"
"Look. I didn't find anything regarding the statue, but there is an empty space below us."

"Let's get this over with quickly." Rovel said with a sigh as I opened a portal.

As soon as we passed through the portal, I found myself in an empty room. In the middle of the room was a dimensional fissure, nearly 10 metre in length and 40 metres in breadth.

A dimensional fissure in and of itself isn't that rare. It's usually that they are very small and quickly repair themselves. Yet, this dimensional fissure seemed too large to be natural.

Not only that, but there was a small block of metal floating in the middle of the Dimensional fissure.

"What's this?" Rovel asked as he took a close look at the block.

"Don't touch it. That is highly reactive and dangerous. That block is what is keeping this dimensional fissure from closing."

That's right. That block is one of the most highly sought after material back in my previous world, antimatter. It has a special feature to repel nearby things, that are made up of matter, yet, if it managed to come in contact with any matter, it will ready explosively and fortunate itself and the matter into oblivion.

"Listen. This thing will disappear as soon as it comes in contact with anything. But that thing will also disappear. So, if need be, just throw a water ball at it, and it will destroy itself. The fissure will heal itself after that." I tell Rovel.

"Why not do it right now?"
"Because, it will be troublesome. What will you do if the goddess that everyone believes in suddenly disappears? For now, leave it be. Let's go across this fissure some other time. Now that we have these coordinates, we can teleport here anytime." I tell him as I open a portal back to Rovel's room.

"... Fine." Rovel said. Looks like he has some doubts, but let it go. In reality, I want to check this out alone. Seeing this piece of antimatter here, I can conclude one thing, this fissure, is most probably connected to my old world.

That would explain how the statue can move, as it is a mechanical robot from the inside. If it is controlled by a highly advanced AI, it would also explain how it can act human like.

I wait for Rovel to cross the portal before I let a small nanobot pass through the fissure, and then go back to Rovel's home.

"I have no idea what you want to do, but keep me away from it. Me and my family." Rovel said as soon as I entered.

"I doubt that will be possible. After all this is your territory. But, rest assured, I will make sure that no harm falls upon your family." I promise to him before opening a portal back to Shinsha's room.

As I enter Shinsha's room, I saw her sleeping on Ciel's lap.

"Finally returned? What took you so long?"
"Long? I was gone only for an hour at most."

"An hour? It's been nearly six hours."
"Huh?" I look outside and see that the stars were shining brightly. It was no doubt the middle of the night. But how?

"Did you go somewhere with time deflection?"
"I might have. We paid a visit to that cathedral that we had stopped by before visiting Shinsha. There might be something going on there.

Regardless, you should know this. I personally believe that the portal in cathedral actually connects to our previous world."

Hearing this, Ciel was shocked. She looked at me on disbelief.

"Are you sure?"
"Not a hundred percent, but there was a piece of antimatter keeping the portal open. I doubt any other world apart from us can safely transfer antimatter."

"That's also true. But if that's the case, then didn't that mean that we will end up fighting our own world?"

"We might. So I was thinking of going through the fissure first and seeing who is behind all this. If we can talk then out of this, well and good, or else we can just close the fissure."

"Alright, let's send a clone." Ciel said.

Till now, the VOTW helped in making a clone and keep it sane, so we could technically use a lot of clones at the same time. But now, without the VOTW, we can only use a single clone which will have our consciousness in it.

It is also possible to create mindless clones that will just complete the orders given to it, but it will be useless for what we want it to do.

As such we will have to impart our consciousness into our clones, leaving our real bodies helpless. If that's the case, it's better to head back to Tempest.

"Just as I was thinking, it's better to leave our main bodies at Tempest." Ciel said as she gently put Shinsha to bed and opened a portal.

"Let's quickly get this done with." Ciel said with a smile as she opened a portal.

After that, we quickly left our main bodies in the deepest part of the labyrinth and told Veldora and Ramiris to protect it and wake us up in case something happened.

Then we quickly teleported to the cathedral and passed through the Dimensional fissure.

As soon as we crossed through, I had expected loud sirens to go off and hundreds of special forces member to have their guns aimed at us, yet there was nothing.

We were in a dark room, so dark that it would have been impossible to see without night vision, that is an inherent trait of us dragons.

"Hmmm.... This room looks familiar." Ciel mumbled.

"Of course it does. After all, this is my room in the Sakura palace."
"Wait! Doesn't that mean that we are technically in-"
"Yes. We are in Sakura Empire. The palace at that!"


I hope you guys like it.

[Book 2] That time I got reincarnated as a slime,no, a DRAGON?Where stories live. Discover now