01 | The other one

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Disclaimer: Stephanie Meyer owns all rights to twilight except for Gabby because she is my character and her basic plot line.

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It's easy to stay in the shadows, tucked away where no one can see you and no one can hear you. Pretty soon people start to forget you even exist, and look up startled before their faces contort into a scowl or a jeer. It's hard to love the ones you envy, although they treat you with kindness. Sometimes you just want to slip out of the shadows and feel the sun on your face for once without anyone sending you dirty look or ignoring you. 

That's my biggest wish. 

I don't care about being rich, and I'm past being loved. I don't want to have eternal glory or be popular. I don't want anyone to think highly of me and I don't want people to talk bad about me behind my back. I just wish I was invisible, that when people passed me on the street their eyes slid right over me, that I could jump around in the sun without people staring and whispering. The staring is always accompanied by the whispers.

I scrunch myself tighter against the back of my closet the wooden wall digging into my back, humming quietly a song I had heard on the radio a couple days earlier and imagining myself leaping and dancing in the sun. The closet is my safe place, it's the only place where people don't dare to go,  for fear I will abduct them or take over their minds. It's not always a bad thing to be a monster, it keeps people away. 

A floorboard creaks under the weight of a foot, I stiffen clasping my trembling hand over my mouth for fear that I will scream or whimper and alert them. I strain my ears trying to decipher who it is, when you always watch people it's easy to pick up on their small habits. Alice walks toe-heel like she's dancing, Jasper takes wide steps, Nessie quick tiny steps, Emmett takes heavy steps...


I release the breath I've been holding in, and stand up shakily, my limbs protesting after being cramped in the tight space for so long. I open the closet door and poke my head through the crack like a turtle coming out of its shell. 

"Jaz..." I said breathing a sigh of relief. I thought I had recognized his voice but I hadn't been certain. 

He turned to look at me, his blonde hair was messy as though he had been running his hands through it and his golden eyes lit up when he saw me. He crouched down and held open his arms for me to run into. I launched myself at him, using my vampire speed to arrive there in a split second. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he gave a small groan from the impact.

"I missed you" I breathed into his ear. 

Laughing he set me down and kneeled so he was at eye-level. "I've only been gone for an hour Gabs" he said a ghost of a smile still on his face. 

"I know but I still missed you" I replied and he gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. 

"Have you been in there the whole time?" he asked looking towards the closet, when I nodded he scowled but refrained from saying anything about it. We had already had plenty of fights which usually ended with me crying and Jasper apologizing over and over. "I saw Seth waiting for you outside" he said after a moment and my face lit up. 

"Really?!" I exclaimed looking up at Jasper who was watching me with an amused expression as I pushed past him gently and raced down the stairs. Seth was my best and only friend that I had. He could only come by every second day as Sam had him helping out with the pack. 

I ran out the front door thankful that I hadn't passed any of my family members, who would have held me back. Seth was leaning on a tree, and he looked up as I let the door slam behind me giving me a relaxed smile. 

"You've grown taller" he said as I joined him at the base of the tree. 

"Jasper said that Carlisle said I'm 13 now in growth" I boasted, I couldn't wait until I was 18 and stopped growing, then I would finally be the same age as Seth. 

"Have all the witnesses left?" Seth asked as we entered the forest. A series of hiking trails spread before us and after we stood for a moment pondering the signs, we took the blue trail that pointed towards the lake, an unanimous decision. 

"They left yesterday, I was sad to see Eleazer go but I'm happy all this is over" I replied following the blue trail through a bend in the trees. I hadn't been that involved in the proceeds though. Luckily only Nessie had been seen and as the others assembled the witnesses, I was told to stay in my room and pretend I didn't exist. I was glad to stay out of it, but resentful over the fact that Bella and Edward would have gladly handed me over to the Volturi. They almost had, but Jasper managed to convince them not to by saying if they ever saw Nessie again the would definitely kill her. And God knows that couldn't happen to poor darling Nessie. 

Seth followed me, "I'm glad too, the pack almost doubled from all the new vampires but I thought Eleazer gave you the news about your powers" he said a confused expression falling across his face. 

"It's far better to be feared then to be detested" I replied and paused allowing Seth to ponder my statement before crying, "I'll race you to the lake" and taking off through the trees, Seth yelling after me that I had broken the rules. 

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Anyways chapters are each going to be about 1000 words long with out this snazzy little author's note that none of you will probably read... Have fun with la nouvelle chapitre!

_Elle xx

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